Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Crossroad of Change


The end of the year. What a promising, yet sobering thought. As this last day of the year is on a Sunday I've taken the opportunity to force myself to objectively scan this past year. I was aiming to see what I'd done and had not done. Then in my praying and retrospect I came across a sermon I preached at the beginning of 2006. I decided the best way to find out what I was supposed to do last year is read my goals, and so I read.

I was uplifted and devastated all at the same time! I had forgotten what God had inspired me to preach and do last year! After reading the message in its entirety I realized that I had let people, and negative spiritual influences keep me from attaining my God given goals. And as I look at where I am today I see that instead of going forward it would seem I've gone back a ways.

Nevertheless, I am making this last day of 2006 a day of crossroads. A day in which I remember the past in order to ensure the future. I will not make the same mistakes twice! In reading my goal setting sermon I found at least one major area in which I didn't maintain myself.

One of the many things I set out to do was to maintain a personal intimate relationship with Jesus in order to foster personal evangelism. Which means in short that I wanted to get close to Jesus so I could lead more people to His side for their own personal salvation.

Because I took the time and made myself look back I identified areas that I need to change and work on. I believe that this is very important for all of us. It takes strength, character, courage and a willingness to face our own personal skeletons and demons.

It is impossible to make positive changes without first looking back and finding the problems and their roots. We must look backward and inward. We must be willing to face the music. We must not fear what we will find.

We all have things in our live that must change! Please make the next 24 hours worth while, and make those personal changes that will take you closer to Jesus.
Don't let a habit, character flaw, a grudge, a hurt, jealousy, bitterness, hate, lifestyle keep you away from Jesus, and put you in Hell! Rather join me at the Crossroad of Change, and together we will change our lives so that Jesus can be apart of our lives.

Change is never easy, but it is always essential, important and impossible to escape. The problem with change is that you can do it willingly or eventually you will be forced to change. Changing willingly ensures that you can change for the good, and maintain control. But, when you are forced to change it is rarely for your good or benefit. Please make the right change today! Today is the day of salvation!

Yours for Positive Change in Jesus,
Pastor Fred

Saturday, December 30, 2006

He Never Sleeps!

What in the world are you doing up at 5:50 am on a Saturday Morning?! Saturday is the day of the week that you're supposed to sleep in!

I was thinking this very thing this morning when I got up at 10 minutes to six. What? Yeah, I was up that early on a Saturday. I own a janitorial business, and I find that getting up early is easier than staying up late. And besides that I need to keep my customers happy, so I get up even on the days when I should be relaxing, and go to work.

While cleaning this morning the thought occurred to me that Jesus is much the same. He is the head of the Church; the people in this world who have truly obeyed the scripture and been born again of water and spirit. Jesus, the scripture tells us, is like a watchman on the wall; He never slumber nor sleeps. He is always looking out for His people. He never sleeps in. He never doses off, and misses a call. No, Jesus never sleeps! He is always on call. He Always is ready to take care of His own!

I'm so glad that I serve a God and Saviour that is on me side. Who always has me best interest at heart; even if I don't think so! Thank you Jesus for being with me through the thick and thin! Thank you Jesus for preparing the path before me, and ordering my steps! Thank you for never sleeping!

Yours for Christ,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What A Wonderful Christmas!

Greetings again to all my blogger friends from around the world! God has been good to us, as He always is, this Christmas! Surrounded by family and friends it has be just great!

My wife and children were very good to me as well, boy what wonderful gifts they got me! My family and friends, thank you for these blessings!

Among the many wonderful things I received, my wonderful wife got me a new Bible! I love it. It has large print (now I don't have any trouble reading it!). It is just the right size! Thanks Baby!

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. May the Peace that Passes all understanding come upon you during this end of the year! May you have a divine visitation from Jesus our Lord and Saviour, the Christ child!

P.S. I will be putting regular posts up during this week and the new Year again. Thanks for visiting over the holidays, and may God richly bless you all!

Yours for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ,
Pastor Fred

Monday, December 18, 2006

One Week Left, and I'm up before 6:30am!

Last Christmas when Micah was only a couple months old!
Micah, my youngest boy - 14 months - woke up briefly at about five after 6 this morning! I walked him back to sleep rather quickly so now at about 6:40 am I'm writing in my blog. I didn't figure that it would be much point going back to bed for about a half hour - my alarm is set for quarter to seven. So, here I am taking a great opportunity to talk to you; my blog friends!

It's one week until Christmas! This time next week we will most likely be celebrating the Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ! I'm so excited!

What do you get excited about? In general I mean? Not necessarily about Christmas, but what in your life gets you excited? Here are some things that get me excited:
  • When I'm being spontaneous with my wife!
  • When I see my children doing something cute, special, funny and or profound!
  • When I watch my oldest, Ethan, pray and God answers His prayer - pretty much every time! (For example: It has snowed every time my son has prayed for "Jesus to throw more snow or water up in the air so that it will snow.")
  • When someone repents of their sins, and/or gets baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of their sins, and/or receives the Gift of the Holy Spirit into their spirit. (I say and/or because it doesn't always happen one after the other.)
  • During Holiday's when I'm celebrating something about Jesus. i.e. Easter, Penecost Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas...
  • When I get to buy something for someone and watch them get excited when they receive it.
  • When God answers my prayers, and/or when God blesses me just because!
  • When God opens a door for me to witness to someone about His greatness, grace, love and mercy!
There is so much more I could say, but I think you can see how I work from this short list. Again I would like to know - "what makes you excited?" This is a very particularly excited time of the year, so maybe it would be a good time to reflect about this. So often we go through life and do not take time to reflect on our own lives. Looking back over your own life can be a very helpful way to see what direction your life is currently taking, and maybe will give you the opportunity to see that you need to make some very important changes.

The Bible tells us in the Proverbs that there "is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end of that way are the ways of destruction!" During this last week before we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ, take time to reflect, and see what needs to be changed. Nothing would excite me more if I know of someone who gave their life, spirit, soul and body to Jesus during this Christmas season!

Don't wait to get right with Jesus! NOW! is the time, to day is the day of salvation! Take care of your spirit, and soul's eternity now! The longer you wait the harder it gets. Don't get me wrong nothing is impossible with God, but I found that the longer people live in sin and their own will the hard it is for them to let go, and let God have His way! Jesus is here right now! Just reach out and touch Him, as He passes by. He isn't to busy to here your hearts cry. He is passing by this moment your needs to supply. Jesus is here right now, reach out and touch Him, as He goes by!

Don't ever for get that Jesus really does love you!

Your's for and exciting Christmas with Jesus!
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Alone with Jesus....finally!

It is so easy to get caught up in the rat race of life! Running to and fro trying to make a living, trying to support your family, trying to love and live right, but too ofter getting caught up means that you have lost your identity and individuality!

Don't get me wrong I do pray often while going through the day, but it isn't always private. Walking and talking with Jesus is wonderful, but there is something special about getting alone with Jesus. It's like taking a walk with a friend in a mall. You don't get into a conversation of great depth, but when you are alone with that friend you may talk about many private things at great length and detail. This is kind of what I'm talking about. Getting alone with Jesus, and letting your "hair down" as it were.

I would strongly suggest that you stop, take a deep breath, look around, find a quiet place and talk to Jesus! When we get caught up in the hustle and bustle it is easy to forget about Jesus, it is very important that we make some time to slow down, clear our minds, and be still and realize that He really is God!

Well, I finally got the chance to be alone with Jesus! It was wonderful! It only lasted a few minutes, but it was awesome! I was able to pour myself out to Him, and He was able to pour Himself into me! What an awesome God Jesus is! So personal, so intimate, so loving, so forgiving, so gentle, so kind, and full of grace!

Get alone with Jesus!

Yours for time with Jesus,

Pastor Fred

Friday, December 08, 2006

Are you in the "mood" for Christmas?

(As you might have noticed I've been occupied else where. As I've said in my previous post it's the season to be busy!)

Over the past couple of weeks I've... (I had to stop writing this post because my son was sick, and needed me to hold him, and now a couple days later I don't remember in which direction my thoughts where going!)

Let me start again!

Are you in the "mood" for Christmas? Do you like Christmas? What is your reason for celebrating Christmas? There are so many answers to these questions, and I'm sure most everyone would have a different answer to each question. The other night while doing some Christmas shopping I over heard a couple of old ladies complaining about the hustle and bustle while they where trying to shop in WalMart. One old lady said something as I passed by that really struck home to me. She said to her friend that the problem is that we allow ourselves to get sucked into the bustle, and we forget what it's all about. (That was a little bit paraphrased!)

This statement is so true. We allow the commercial industry to dictate what we must do to have a fun, festive and happy Christmas season. Yet, there is truly only one thing that can make us happy, and that is Jesus Christ! A personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ is the most satisfying thing you'll ever experience. It helps you have peace in turmoil, joy during pain, love through hate, faith while in despair, and endurance through the tough times. He is always there to lean on in every situation!

Yesterday we where able to go Christmas shopping in Corner Brook yesterday (Saturday), by ourselves. (Just the wife and I.) We left the 3 children at a friends house and went shopping all day! It was most relaxing. We were definitly tired after, but we had a large amount of gifts, and a large amount of fun! Why am I saying this? How many people really have fun during this season? How many people really enjoy shopping while about 5,000 other people are too? Not too many, but because of Jesus, and because the children where at a trusted friends house we had nothing to worry about, and just had fun! See, even during the most stressful time of year you can have peace and joy when your trust is in Jesus!

Yours for a peaceful happy Christmas,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tis' the season to be.....busy!

Seasons Greetings,

I guess this week kicks off the Christmas season in its highest gear! I've been going crazy for the past 2 weeks, and I'm just realizing that I need to slow down, take a deep breath and take a look around.

During Christmas everyone seems to forget the reason we celebrate, and goes crazy getting gifts, decorating, baking, shopping ect.... Yet, if we would only take time out of our craziness, and remember this is the season we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Saviour. We ought to give the greatest gift to Jesus, because He is the one who came to save us from our sin, the wickedness of the devil and death. We ought to give of our time, money and most importantly of ourselves to Jesus.

The greatest gift this Christmas would be if you met Jesus this year, and started a personal relationship with him!

Read Acts 2:38 for more information on how to start a relationship with Jesus.

Yours for a Christ filled Christmas,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

With God nothing is impossible!

What a day yesterday! Yeah it was one of those days! I missed an appointment, and forgot about another. (They called me a reminded me about 5 minutes after the meeting started!)

My wife started participating in our business yesterday. She's supplying baked goods to one of our local stores, ValuFoods. So, she was baking all day yesterday, and our normal schedules were non-existant!

Anyway, let me discuss my premiss and title for this post. The meeting I was late for was a Ministerial Association Christmas Carol Service at one of the local services. We have one every year to raise money for a charity or good cause. It was a great service, and during the benediction Pastor Foster made reference to the scripture about Mary, when she was talking with the Angel about the birth of Jesus. The Angel said, "For with God nothing is impossible!"

This is a very powerful scripture! The angel came on an ordinary day. Mary was probably in the house doing her chores. When the Baby was born it was an ordinary day. The people were being taxed, the shepherds were in the field working, and everyone was busy doing what they did.

Yet, on a very ordinary day Jesus came. God manifest in the flesh shone His light into a very dark world, and the darkness could not defeat it! Nothing is impossible with God.

It could be on a very ordinary busy day for you that Jesus could stop by and visit with you. His light could shine so brightly in your life, and melt all your sins away! It doesn't matter the day, nor does it matter the hour. It doesn't matter the situation, nor does it matter the problem. Nothing is impossible with Jesus!

As the song says:
My God can do anything, anything, anything;
My God can do anything, but fail!
He put the stars in the sky,
He'll wipe those tears from your eyes,
My God can do anything, anything!

Never dispair Jesus can do anything!

Yours for the Spirit of Christ,
Pastor Fred

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Faith that is greater than the storm!

(First I'd like to apologize for blogging late today. It's been a very busy day!)

We've had about 15 centimeters of snow over the weekend, and this morning when i was up early getting ready to shovel at the church and around the house, my wife asked if we knew if anyone was going to be coming to church this morning. I said I didn't know. (The people who have been coming are rather erratic!) I believe she was implying that we stay home and enjoy the comfort of our living room, but we went to church anyway.

Well, the above conversation although brief got me thinking about faith. We often let circumstances dictate how we feel, what we are going to do, and what level of faith we are going to employ. Instead we ought rather to have faith, faith that will see you through every situation great or small. Faith isn't a wimsical comodity that is here today and gone tomorrow. Rather faith is an entity, that if we allow to grow, will be able to carry us over every mountain, across every river, and beyond evern desert that life may through our way.

I went to church today, not because of the weather, or because it is the right thing to do, but rather I went to church because I have faith in Jesus, and I wanted to go and worship Him. I went inspite of the storm. Let your faith soar beyond your physical sight, beyond your physical feelings, and beyond your mental emotions. Trust in Jesus for everything, I garauntee that you will not be disappointed!

Yours for Faith
Pastor Fred

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Child's Faith!

Well it's time again to bragg about my children! Sorry if you don't think it's appropriate, but when you have your own children you'll understand.

Anyway, My Son Ethan can be very spiritual sometimes, especially for being 4 years old. I've tried to teach him about prayer, faith and trusting Jesus. However, it usually affects him when someone has a booboo, or when he needs to take care of monsters at night. But, once in awhile he says and does something that is profound and has extraordinary faith involved.

It snowed here on Thursday, yeah!, but it rained on Friday. Well, this disappointed Ethan, as you can imagine. Children love to play out in the snow! It's pure and white, beautiful, and peaceful. Kids love it! So Friday morning Ethan asked me to take some water and throw it up into the sky so we could have more snow! (Is that profound, and understanding for a 4 year old or what!) Anyway, I try to be truthful and honest with my children, and told him I couldn't do that, but, I said, Jesus could. So I lead Ethan in a simple prayer of faith for more snow.

Well, all Thursday while we had the snow everyone said that it was going to be warm all weekend. (between 11 and 14 degrees Celcius) This would make sure that we wouldn't have any snow. So, I went to town on Friday after lunch, a couple hours after Ethan prayed, and behold everyone was talking about the snow storm we were now supposed to get! The forcast changed in a matter of hours from no snow to a bunch of snow. (15 centimeters I think)

If we could just learn to have the absolute unconditional faith of children this world would be filled with the wonders of the divine working in our lives! Too, often we let doubt and life cloud our minds, and we can no longer see into the unsee world of faith, hope, love and peace! Shed your doubt and "realism" and let true child like faith work in your life today!

Yours for Faith,
Pastor Fred

Friday, December 01, 2006

You Can't Hide YOUR Mistakes!

Have you ever made a mistake, whether small or large, which you tried to cover up? Of course you have! We've all done that at some point in time. Adam and Eve humanities parents did it so what hope do we have!?

Anyway, I made a mistake while working at the print shop a couple months ago. It was a "big" mistake! If you read my post from yesterday, you'll know I had a great day which included church bulletins, however, the last order of bulletins I destroyed! (just to be honest and plain!) Anyway I forgot to set them up properly, and printed them. I only figured out I'd done it wrong while I was cutting them down. Anyway I worked really hard to make them look like they were the right size, but many of them were about an inch small both length and width wise! I hoped and prayed my boss wouldn't notice!

That night she was in the shop doing some work after hours, and decided to see if I'd done a good job, well she took one look at the bulletins and knew they were too small. (After 20 years of experience her eye is pretty good!) To make a long story shorter, we had to redo all the bulletins, and didn't hardly make a penny on the job! (By The Way: I do know what I'm doing now!)

So, the moral of the story is, it doesn't matter how hard you try you can't hide your mistakes for ever! You may keep something hidden for awhile, but somewhere alone the line your mistakes will be found out!

Yours for honesty
Pastor Fred

Something to Laugh About!

Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!