Looking back over the past few days I can see how God was trying to prepare me for what happened on Monday! Looking back I wonder why it didn't dawn on me! For some reason we never expect a sermon to be for us; we never expect God to deal with "me", but He does, and when it happens we almost always start the "name and blame" game. Then we look back and realize, "Oh, Jesus was trying to communicate His plans, why didn't I notice and listen?"
By now you are wondering, "what in the world is this crazy preacher talking about?" That's what you are about to find out!
The Mysterious Ways of God!
Let me start at the result, and then go back to the beginning so you will understand everything, as I slowly perceived the hand of God at work.
I received a call on my cell phone while at my Church office with some very disturbing news.
The owner of one of the stores I clean called me up and informed me that they would not be renewing my cleaning contract. The renewal date fast approaching. At first this was a major blow, as it was one of my main sources of income each month!
I fussed and complained and was quite upset with Jesus for letting this happen to me. I mean come on, I try so hard to make ends me and keep this Church open and running, but around every turn there is something to climb over, push through, dig around or drill through! It does get frustrating at times, but as my wonderful wife later said, "Honey, it will be ok. Everything will work out fine....God doesn't shut a door if He doesn't have a better one open!"
WOW! What words of wisdom!
Now let me go back to where I should have realized Jesus was letting me know something was going to take place. (He could have begun to talk to me much earlier, but my little pea brain can only see back this far.) Saturday evening I was once again privileged to participate in a community Gospel concert, which was going to raise money for our "Green Bay Community Living Association." There was a great list of singers from the area. I was fourth on the list, and due to my businesses cleaning schedule I couldn't stay for the whole concert leaving shortly after my turn was up. Anyway the song sung just before I was up struck me very strongly and ministered to me in such a way that I used it in my Sunday Morning sermon. The young lady singing, Crystal Woodford, sang about letting go, and letting Jesus take the wheel! It was a very powerful message.
So, Sunday morning I preached about "Jesus Take the Wheel." It was a good message about our constant human trait, which causes us the think that we are better than Jesus, and we are always trying to take control of our own lives. This we ought not to do, but we should rather let go of the steering wheel of life, and let Jesus have control of the direction we are going to take! We ought to get up each morning and find out what direction He would have us take! If we would just learn to listen and follow Jesus would tell and direct us, which way to go!
"What you Preach is What you Get!"
Sunday evening I felt is God's plan for us to be in the Middle Arm Church for service. So, Saturday I'd made arrangements with Rev. Glenn Christopherson, and he gladly invited us down for a visit. I immensely enjoyed the service! God's presence moved in during the worship service, and a young lady reached out, and Jesus touched her greatly! Having the altar service first, Rev. Christopherson decided to shorten his message, which was about the fact that our walk with God will have mountains and will have valleys. We will have ups, and we will have downs. He talked about the fact that no matter whether we are in an up or down it is necessary to "look up to the hills from whence comes our help, our help comes from the Lord!" Instead of looking down, we must look up so we can see where we are going, and which direction we should take!
Now what are the odds of hearing two messages in the same day from two different preachers and two different Churches during two different services? This is no coincidence. Jesus was trying to prepare me for a bump in the road, a valley if you will. Jesus sees all, knows all and understands all. I don't know if it was God's will that I loose this contract, but I do know Jesus saw the phone call coming and began to prepare my spirit for this obstacle.
If we would just listen to our own advice some times, and look around to the signs that Jesus is giving us we would be much better off, and more prepared for everything that comes our way! Never question the mysterious ways of God, and never brush a sermon off, as if it is for someone else! Jesus may very well be talking to YOU!
Yours for a prepared spirit,
Pastor Fred
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