Ezekiel 22:30
30And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

Did you know or realize that every major revival in the Bible and in this world since the early church has started with ONE person getting ahold of God, and spreading the message to another ONE, and another ONE!
If we would stop focusing on reaching EVERYONE, and just get out and reach ONE we can and will bring Jesus to the Whole World in a matter of years!
Back to our radio program. The announcer was talking about our current rate of evangelizing the world, and that it would take an impossible amount of years to reach the world. However, he went on to describe a method that can reach the entire world in just a matter of years!
(This can also be proven through math give or take a couple years)
If ONE person would go out and reach another ONE person. Then, he/she would disc

32 years......!!!!!!!!
Isn't that amazing! So get off your rear end, and get out and just find ONE! If every true Christian and child of God would do this, we could effectively evangelize the world in a matter of years!
I did the math for my community, and in 5 years I could help 100 people find Jesus, learn to know Him and love Him. In 10 years we could reach 3,200 people which would be everyone in my community. Within another 3 years we could reach the rest of the Green Bay Area! And to top it off within 18 years from now we could reach over 819,000 souls. That is more people than who live within Newfoundland and Labrador! All because ONE person stood in the gap and reached out to another ONE!
Yours for reaching the world,
Pastor Fred
PS> It sure feels great to be back in the saddle! It's been a crazy summer so far, but God has been real good. I'll tell you about it sometime!