The picture above shows and describes what many people would say is an old time revival. Again revival is something a little more personal.
Let's look at the etymology of the word revival: re - again and vive - to bring to life. So in short our word for the day means: To Bring to Life Again! So someone who has never known Jesus can't possibly know Him again! Revival is for people who know or knew Jesus, and have gotten a little too comfortable, and over time lost the close personal relationship that they once had. They can be revived again!
If you feel like you have lost a little something between you and Jesus then it is about to to wake up are realize that you need Jesus now, today, immediately!
If you have never really known Jesus it time for you to become spiritually alive, and begin your personal relationship with Jesus! There is nothing as exciting as knowing Jesus! He is with you through the thick and the thin!
Yours for personal Revival!
Pastor Fred
1 comment: in spain Revival its a disco-club!
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