Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How does God see us?

This is a very interest concept that maybe we don't wish to talk about, but while ready the first chapter of Isaiah it became very clear.

The setting is a country that is pretty much given to Idolatry, Selfish pleasure, wickedness, corrupt judgment, a deteriorating social system, and I think you get the picture. As a matter of fact if you think about this in the light of honesty and truth this picture can sum up many of our modern societies, even those who claim to be God fearing!

The situation is very dire. The people are worshiping God. They are attending their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly religious rites and rituals, but there is something missing, and because of that missing part God is telling them to stop all the rites and rituals.

It is a case of Sunday morning Christianity. During the week they are rebelling against everything God has asked of them, and requires of them. They cheat, steal, murder, slander, corrupt justice, and many other terrible actions. They don't care for their widows, orphans or anyone but themselves. The land is going desolate and they don't even seem to care!

Finally, God says what He sees when He looks down upon this wretched society He calls His Children. I will put the stunning description in my own words, but you can read it for yourself in Isaiah Chapter one.

"My people are like rotting corpses that are walking around. They have sores that are festering from the top of their head to the sole of their feet. They stink, and look monstrous. No one has bothered to cover up their wounds and bruises."

Sound pretty disgusting, and that is exactly what it is like to God - Disgusting!

Our lack of righteousness on the inside is so disturbing to God that He has to turn away. Have you ever seen the pictures and videos of the lepers and leper colonies? These poor people are being literally eaten to death by a disease that enjoys human flesh. It is pitiful, disgusting, smelly and plain gross! And yet that is exactly how Jesus looks at the sin in our lives! It is a spiritual disease that eats away at us, without even our knowledge sometimes. Many times we don't even know when our hand falls off, because the sickness has dulled the pain.


If you would finish the Chapter you'll be surprisingly happy to know that God doesn't leave us hanging or without hope. He offers us a bath and cleansing lotion that will not only clean us up, but also heal this wasting disease completely!

Isaiah 1:16-20
16 “ Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
Cease to do evil,
17 Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Rebuke the oppressor;[a]
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow.
18 “ Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the LORD,

“ Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land;
20 But if you refuse and rebel,
You shall be devoured by the sword”;
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
My God and Saviour Jesus is so wonderful! Even though our present condition is absolutely appalling to Him, He still offers us a solution and a way of salvation. How merciful and kind. How loving and gracious!

Just going to Church will not get you salvation. Just acting like a Christian on a special day each week will not ensure passage into Beulah land! It is a daily walk. It is a daily talk. It is a daily lifestyle of loving surrender and service to and for Jesus.

Don't forget that many times the more obvious vices and sins are not the most deadly to your soul!
Rather it is the vices and sins that are not so visible that will take you to a place of fire, torment, weeping, waling and gnashing of teeth!

Take care of your body it is the temple of the living God! Take care of your spirit it is the place of spiritual connection, communication and true worship between Jesus and you. Take care of your soul, for its emotional condition can cause much damage to your eternal well being.

Give yourself without abandon to Jesus and He will wash you, cleans you and make you whole again!

Yours for Christ in this earth and in you!
Pastor Fred

Something to Laugh About!

Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!