Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Cry of the Heart

Have you ever had something, a thought, idea, person, circumstance, etc, on your mind that just drove you to cry out? Have you ever been driven to cry out to Jesus? There are so many different places that our lives go, often we face "the valley" and must cry out for help, solace, comfort, direction, and/or deliverance. Let me tell you; Jesus is the Good Shepherd and he will be there for you, and will take care of you while you experience your circumstance!

Having said all this, I must admit that my heart has a cry right now, and has for quite some time. I've had a burden burning with in me, and it will not let me go! And, for that I thank God!

Part 1) I have been extremely dissatisfied with my relationship with Jesus, and have been experiencing an emotion much akin to anxiety about soul winning and reaching the lost souls around me everyday! Again, I thank God for it!

You have possibly mistaken my testimony as a complaint rather this is not a complaint, but is a desire, and passion to do more for my Saviour and God Jesus! I do not complain that I have a cry in my heart to God, I welcome it, and long for it to grow in me and develope in to something of beauty and wonder!

If we ever lose our passion for souls we have condemned the world to hell and are quite possibly heading down that road ourselves! Don't ever lose your passion for the lost, and constantly allow Jesus to work through you to become the beacon of light that this lost and desperate world needs!

Part 2) I have a burden upon my heart to have a closer, more powerful, more intimate, more direct relationship with Jesus. I don't want to just be a son, or servant, but I want to be a friend of God! I want to know Jesus better than I know my wife! I want to know Jesus better than I know myself! I want to know Jesus better than anything else in this life!

The one thing that I feel has come out of this so far is a deeper, more consistant, time of Daily Bible Reading. It has been a wonder period of growth for me. I purchased a diary type note book that has attachable tabs and a place for date on each page. In this book I have been writing notes on each chapter I read each day, and this had helped me to look forward to the experience every day!

Again I welcome this cry of the heart, and hope I never lose the desire to be at one with Jesus. If it means quiting a job or two to make more room for Jesus in my life and family so be it! I want and need Jesus more than anything in this mortal life!

What is your heart crying for?
Are you crying for more of Jesus?
Maybe you should be!

Your for more of Jesus
Pastor Fred

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The book of Hebrews

Good day folks!

Well, I just finished reading Hebrews today. What an interesting book of the Bible; God's Word. There are so many points to ponder that it would fill a whole volume to discuss them all!

I would like to mention one.

In Chapter 12 we have the verse that says: Lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us.

I would like to point something out that may help someone in their trials and temptations.

Notice it says that the weights and sins easily beset us, get us down, drag us around in the dirt of life. They easily beset us because they aren't things that we definitly wouldn't do. The "big" sins aren't a problem to us, and so they will not tempt us. However, the little things in life have a tendence to weigh us down, and lead us down the path of sin. Too, much time on the computer could be your problem. Gossiping on the phone could be your down fall. Watching too much TV or Movies could cause you to slip. There are many everyday things that we can allow to weigh us down, which we often don't think about, but it is those little things that will keep you out of heaven's promise!

Don't let the little lies, little gossips, little games keep you away from the word of God, work of God, house of God, and your prayer and bible study life!

Your's for the sake of the little things!
Pastor Fred

Monday, August 17, 2009

Standing for Truth

I've just been reading an interesting article online, about a bold young lady who has become a politician in the United States, all because she took a stand for what she felt was right.

Rep. Michele Bachmann

In the article the writer describes the `persecution` that Mrs. Bachmann is receiving because of her strong stand against the wrongs of the Federal Government.

This reminds me of the Stand that each Christian must take each and every day!

It is imperative that we stand for truth, no matter what this world things. People are becoming so liberal and socially minded that truth doesn`t seem to matter anymore!

Truth is truth no matter if anyone believes!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! This will be the truth supposing the whole world turns their back, and God has to burn this whole planet with fire and brimstone!

I encourage you to stand! When you`ve done everything else for God, continue to STAND, and take up the whole armor of God!

Yours for the Stand,

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Slow Down!

Good day folks!

I hope the sun and the Son are shining down on you today!

Well, I've been sick for a few days, and it's really made me realize that I need to slow down a bit and take a break! I work full time, have a janitorial contract on the side, my buddy and I go clowning most weekends during the summer, and on top of that God has placed us as Pastor of the Sanctuary of Truth in Springdale, Newfoundland! On top of that I am a husband and the father of 4 wonderful children with one in the "oven" so to speak!

Folks take heed to some hard learned wisdom from a young preacher and business owner!


Don't work yourself to death! Life is too short, and people are too precious and your family is too valuable! Working so long is not worth loosing your life and family over! Take a break, read a book, go to the beach with your family, relax! You won't be any good to Jesus if you are flat on your back because you wore yourself out!

Slow down!

Have a great day!

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Our Senses are dead!

Last night in our community one of the Banks had their alarm go off. This in itself may not seem to extraordinary, exept for the fact that it was still going the next moring when I wrote this post! The alarm has been going for about 12 hours straight so far, and probably will continue for another 3 hours when the Bank opens and the staff return! There are many questions as to why the bank manager and alarm company would allow this to happen, but that has nothing to do with this post!

Because the alarm has been going so long it has become a part of the background noise from the community, and you notice it, but don't really pay attention to it. The noise is trying to alert someone that something bad has happened or was attempted, but no one seems to care anymore, because it has been going for so long!

You know that is exact what seems to have happened with the Word of God, the Gospel, and the voice of Jesus!? We have heard the wonderful sound going out around the world for so long that the message of a saviour doesn't seem to affect us anymore! Jesus has knocked on the door of our heart so long that we don't even seem to notice that constant thud on the door anymore.

The end is coming upon us fast, and Jesus will be returning in physical form sooner than later, so stop and listen to the alarms around you trying to warn you of impending doom! Jesus loves you and doesn't want you to perish in the fire that will destroy this earth.

Stop and take a breath and realize that your life just isn't going anywhere! Call on the name of Jesus! Repent of your sins and turn from your wicked ways! Find someone to baptize you "In the Name of Jesus Christ for the REMISSION of your sins", and Jesus will come into your life and fill you with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the ernest of our inheritance!

Don't let the warnings of the preachers, the knocking of Jesus and the alarms of the signs of the time become background noise in your life! Wake up! Take action for the sake of your Soul!
Make sure you are ready to meet your maker!

Yours for awakened senses!

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Leaving your Promise because of the Famine!

I know many people who have traded in their promise from God, because of hardship, sickness, temptations, trials, distress, pain, and/or loss that has torn at the heart of their life.

In the Bible Abramhan and Sarah did the very same thing, and it just about cost them their lives and the lives of the nation of Egypt.

They were living in their promised land, doing the will of God, and then famine hit the Canaan land area. So instead of walking by faith and not by sight they picked up their bags and belongings and headed down to Egypt, which wasn't hit by famine. Egypt in scripture seems to have always been a type or allegory of sin or living in this world, and not in the Kingdom of Heaven; a type of worldliness, wickedness, ungodliness and so on. So, Abraham and Sarah left their promise, and went away from God's will to let the "world" and the pleasures of sin take care of their needs for the time being!

It is never appropriate to let this world supply our needs and pleasures no matter how short we say that we will stay! If we trust in Jesus and rely on his Word, staying true to his promises, commands and obey, then he will make sure the "people of this world" will take care of us!

While in Egypt Abraham was scared that he was going to die for the sake of Sarah his wife, because she was so beautiful! There is one reason NOT to go to Egypt if you ask me! So, they said that Sarah was his sister, and Pharaoh almost married her! God had to step in and just about destroy Egypt with a plague so that Abraham and Sarah would get back to His promise and will!

It never pays to leave the will of God just to sooth your pain and anguish! Jesus died on the cross for that very reason! We must learn to completely trust in Jesus for everything in our lives! Does that mean do nothing, and just sit around and wait? NO! NO! NO!

Jesus told us to obey his commandments, and to occupy until he comes! We must work, but we must work and pray will doing God's will and commandments, and living within the promises that he has given us! Each one of us probably has a different promise that God wants us to fulfill, and each one of us is unique in the sight of God, so we must not let what others are doing turn us aside from our spiritual promise!

Let us be like Joseph, who endured through the hardships, distresses, pain, anguish and loss so that he could fulfill God's will even though he couldn't see where God was going to take him! Joseph went from Daddy's favorite and God's little dreamer to a hurt, bruised boy at the bottom of a pit. He went from a pit to slavery. From slavery to seduction. From seduction to prison. From prison to dreams. From dreams to being the President of Egypt! Even in death Joseph was still living in God's promise and will by requesting to have his bones taken from Egypt and buried in the land that God had promised the nation of Israel!

Stick with Jesus he will see you through!

Yours through the famine,

Pastor Fred

Something to Laugh About!

Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!