Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 88 & 89

Good Morning World!

We've been busy trying to renovate our house, and what a mess that can be!  Drywall, dust and dirt everywhere!  So I apologize for not being on very regularly lately.

Psalm 88
The note in the margin of my Bible says that this Psalm is a prayer for those facing Death.  I am not sure if that is true or not as I wasn't around when it was written, but I can tell that it is for those who are having a bad day and are looking to God for fresh new mercies!

Sometimes life knocks us down and we don't know where to turn, but Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother!  We may feel like we are as good as dead, but Jesus' mercies are new every morning!  We may want to die, but Jesus is our saviour and healer! 

Before you give up, look to Jesus he will take care of you, and help you find the answers you seek!  Trust Jesus Christ and He will direct your path!

Psalm 89
This song of Ethan is a very challenging Psalm.  for 2/3rd's of the song Ethan is praising and worshiping God for His mercy and promises, and then dives into the question that has been driving him the whole time: God have you forsaken us, are you going to bring us out of captivity?  Are you going to remember the promises that you made?

This is interesting because there is no indication in the first 30 odd verses that Ethan is upset or would like to ask God a question.  There is nothing but praise and worship in those first verses!

Too often we get caught up in the questions of life, and we forget that God is still Good all the Time!  It doesn't matter how you feel or what you are going through Jesus loves and cares for you all the time!  The first thing out of our mouth before any questions is praise, worship and thanksgiving!  If we are going to have a great lasting relationship with God our saviour Jesus Christ then we need to learn how to stay in touch with Him!

Yours for Thanksgiving,
Pastor Fred

Monday, June 21, 2010

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 87

Good Morning World!

Computer's as wonderful they are, they are also very disruptive and deceptive.  I know they are only man made machines and can only do what they are told.  Yet, they have many problems!  Really, it isn't the computer per se it is the people on the other side of the internet that are the problem. (Spy-ware, Mal-ware, Root-kits, Viruses, Trojans, Worms and Adware just to name a few of the parasites that bored programmers create in order to amuse themselves.)  Jesus you deal with this mal-contents so that we may freely use these electronic media to spread the gospel.

Psalm 87 (Another Praise Psalm for the sons of Korah)
I find something very interesting, and will detour for a moment to divulge it to you.  Korah was the tribe of Israel that tried to usurp Aaron and Moses's Authority while they were walking around the wilderness.  Because of their rebellion God opened up the mouth of the desert and swallowed a couple of their tents!  Now they are in charge of Praise and Worship.  I wonder how many other Psalms would have been written for and by the sons of Korah, if their father had not rebelled against God's chosen authority!

We may rebel against God's plan for our lives, but God has a way of bringing up back on track eventually.  It doesn't pay to put yourself on a pedestal, for when God takes you off, you have a long way to fall!

Back to our Reading: --

It is interesting to note that I hadn't read the chapter before writing the above comments, and the Psalm indirectly deals with the very topic!  God is really amazing!  The singers are praising the dwelling place and city of God - Zion (aka Jerusalem).  As certain people are known to come from other famous cities, so shall famous men be known to come from Zion.  It is the dwelling place of God - He will establish it, and the singers will sing the praise of God their!

In other words they have learned the value of Authority structure.  One thing people don't understand about an authority structure is that the top person on the pole isn't any better than the person at the bottom, but the chain of command is there to protect everyone.  If used properly the authority structure God has intended for families and societies would create a peace and understand in this world that has never been seen!

Let us join the singers from the tribe of Korah and extol the wonderful name, dwelling and authority of Jesus our saviour and lord!

Yours for authority and worship!

Pastor Fred

Friday, June 11, 2010

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 86

Good Morning World!
(Please note we have a new look, hope you enjoy!)

It will soon be time for a new computer.  My main computer is about 4 years old this month and is very over used!  Now my Operating System Key will not work, and the OS doesn't seem to want to re install!  Windows 7 here I come.  (Hope that is a good thing!)  Took 10 viruses off my laptop because of software I downloaded trying to fix my computer!  People just don't get the principle of compassion and sharing!  They always have to add something bad to something good!  I am glad I serve a God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is able to deliver!

Psalm 86
We are starting to get back to David's writings, and this one is full of goodness.  There is so much in this song that we could spend many days learning from its instruction and prayer style, however I think that one verse will suffice for today.
Verse 11 "Teach me your way, O LORD; I will walk in your truth: unite my heart to fear your name."

This is amazing!
  1. First, David is asking for instruction.  Instruction from God for life, in his situation & spiritual.  
  2. Second, David is declaring his intentions; To walk in the truth that God gives him during his time of instruction.  It is one thing to ask of God, but it is quite another thing to declare to God your absolute intention of following His Words once received.  Many people have asked God for things, and even made a bargain with God, but few actually keep their word!
  3. Third, I really like this, David asks God to unite his heart for the purpose of fearing only God and His awesome powerful Name!  Too, often we are torn between too many things in life, and we really don't have a focused heart or mind on any one thing.  We need to reclaim our lives, our focus, our heart and our mind so that we can fully focus on one thing - Jesus our Lord and Saviour.  Time is getting short, and we must work while it is day, but we must work as to God and not to man.  Therefore, we can still live our lives to for the most part and still be completely focused on Jesus!
All of this truth comes from just one verse of this amazing song!  Please read more and you will find great truth on every turn!

Yours for Truth, and Following the Instruction of God,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 85

Good Morning World!
We had a wonderful time with Bro. Billy Hughey.  This evangelist from Missouri is a very charismatic and outgoing person.  He believes very strongly in compelling visitors to come, and this is much appreciated in a world where complacency is rampant. Thank you Bro. Hughey for helping us meet 5 new people!

Psalm 85
This song of praise for the sons of Korah is another song about God's grace mercy and love, but it is also a song of warning and a challenge to God's people.  We love the mercy and grace of God!  However, it isn't so easy sometimes to not turn back to our old ways.  The purpose of God's grace and mercy isn't so we can continue in sin, but rather to show us that there is a way better than sin.  God loves us and brings us out of our captivity and bondage so we can be free and live in His kingdom of righteousness, not so we can turn around and run right back to our chains and put them on!

Too often people experience the mercy and grace of the Almighty, and they accept it.  Then, in a short time they turn around and give God his mercy and grace back as if it wasn't good enough!  We must learn to get over our petty lusts, and trust in the Holy Ghost; the spirit of Jesus Christ!  Life is too short to waste ones salvation on repeat grace fixes!

Yours for a relationship with Jesus after grace!

Pastor Fred

Friday, June 04, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 84

Good Morning World!

I am so excited about what God is doing!  We had four visitors in our first revival service!  We are expecting great and wonderful things!  Our theme is, "My God Can Do Anything!"  Did you know that the wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ can do anything!  He can mend the broken hearted.  He can heal the sick brow.  He can deliver the addict and afflicted!  My God can do Anything!

Psalm 84
(Written for the singing sons of Korah)
We now enter a section of the song book that is written specifically for the praise singers.  If you attend a church that is blessed to have a group of praise singers that help lead in worship then these songs would be for them to sing.

Worship and Praise are very powerful.  They are instruments into the realm of the spirit, and connect our spirit with the spirit of God.  Jesus so loves the praises of His people that He pays close attention when we lift up our voices in order to bring Him glory.  In this Psalm we are praising the dwelling place of God, and His blessings upon His people who walk uprightly.  Corinthians tells us, "Know ye not that you body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost?"  In the old testament we have record of a grand building built in honor of God of gods, the Lord Almighty.  Today Jehovah of the Old Testament, or Jesus Christ of the New Testament desires to dwell within His people.  We no longer have a beautiful gold encrusted temple, but we have the humble, yielded, submitted bodies and lives that we live.  This sacrifice is greater than any bull or goat that we can give!
So we raise our voices together and Praise the God of glory for He is good and His mercy endureth for ever!

Yours for Praise and Worship,
Pastor Fred

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 83

Good Morning World!

My God can do anything!  It's amazing what can happen when we truly put our lives in the Master's hands.  God is so Good!

This chapter this morning really is special, because it fits in with our revival services theme, "My God Can Do Any Thing!"  When God lays something on a heart it is amazing how He will bring things into the light to help you understand what He really wants.

Psalm 83  (This seems to be the last Psalm by Asaph, but he certainly left one of the best for last.)

This is a call from the people of God to God.  This is a call for action, for revival and vengeance.  Why?  Why, should the people of God feel the need to be so aggressive?  War.  The battle for their families, worship, land, homes and churches is laying claim to too many lives.  The people of God are calling for retribution on those who have destroyed and schemed against them.

Even though this is a very old scripture about a people who had many war problems the same thing still happens everyday around the world.  It happens, but most will never notice.  People don't recognize the fact that the world of sin is apart of many if not most congregations around the globe.  The people of God are being over run by lust, pleasure, greed and hate.  The Church is dying a slow painful death, and we must wake up before it is too late to rescue.

It's like never going to the doctor when you know your sick, but your just don't want to find out what the problem is.  Finally, you go because you're coughing up blood or you can't walk, and the doctor says, "If I had seen you 3 months ago we could have saved you.  Now it is too late and you only have a couple months to live!"  Now how do you feel?  Like a complete idiot for hiding behind your fear!  You could have lived, but now you are a walking corps.

We the Church, the people of God, but cry out to Him with our whole heart, and declare that we are not going to surrender, and we are going to war through prayer, fasting, and intersession.  As verses 16-18 say: "Fill their face with shame; that they may seek your name, O Lord. Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea let them be put to shame, and perish: that men may know that you, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth."

We must not let the subtle wickedness of this world and age lull us to sleep and our doom.  We must stand up and fight with the Word of God and prayer!  No, this is not a call to arms and physical punishment.  Yes, this is a call to global awakening and revival of the soul and spirit.  Too long have we allowed the lust of our flesh dictate our actions.  We must no longer follow our lust, but we must follow the Spirit of the most High God, Jesus Christ our Saviour!  We must let the whole world know that Jesus is the Lord, and His sacrifice will save and deliver all from the pains of sin, death, addiction, sickness and disease.

Yours for revival, because My God CAN Do Anything!
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 82

Good Morning World,

I would like to share a story of a treasure I found yesterday.  It is very exciting to me, and may mean nothing to you, but nonetheless this testimony will be heard!

I've been looking for an Amplified Bible for many years to assist in my biblical and spiritual studies, and could never find or buy one as they are very expensive.  Yesterday, I was in Gander, Newfoundland rummaging around the town wasting time while a friend was in the hospital with her son getting his arm re-broken and re-set.  A very long process.

I was looking for a small cafe, which I didn't find for a couple more hours, and happened upon the Gander Mall. In this mall is a used book store that is called "The Book Worm".  While perusing the walls of books I found a 1971 version of the Amplified Bible, and it was only priced for $10.00!  What a find! What a treasure!  Thank God for small miracles! (and Big Ones - just depends on which way you look at it!)  I am very excited and know that this new addition to my library will be a great asset for my future studies, and to those who hear the word that God gives me to preach....  Thank You Jesus!

Psalm 82
This is a very short but powerful Song of God's greatness and instruction to His people.

First and foremost our God, The Almighty, stands in the midst of His people and judges.  He is watching.  He is weighing the spirits of mankind.  He is deciding our fate.  Amidst this watching, judging and weighing God has some instruction and direction for His people to take.

1. Do Not Judge others unjustly.
2. Do Not accept the wicked into places of authority. (or anyplace for that matter)
3. Defend the Poor and Fatherless.
4. Do justice for and to the Afflicted and Needy.
5. Deliver the Poor and Needy. Help them get out of the hand of the wicked who would use them.

Yet, God is not convinced that we will follow His direction, guidance or leadership.  It is a sad day when the people that claim to be on God's side will not follow Him.  Too often I see the "people" of God destroying His reputation, love and mercy by being liars, prejudiced, stealers, harlots to this world and so much more!

This is a call to listen to the voice of God calling, directing, leading!  We must follow our Saviour into Battle and bring Salvation to the lost masses of this World - lost Christian and Sinner alike!

Yours for obedience,

Pastor Fred

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 81

Good Morning World!

It is a blessed day in the presence of the Lord Jesus our Saviour.  It can be hard at times, but we must never loose site of what Jesus has done for us, is doing for us, and will do for us.  Keeping on keeping on can be a struggle and a sacrifice, but it is worth it!  Too, often this world and all its pleasures, cares and distractions get us down and side track us.  We must not let that happen!  That is why prayer is so very important.  Prayer keeps us in contact with the one who is truly in control of all.  We don't want to be the ones who don't have control, but in reality we are just a spec in a grand tapestry that the Almighty is weaving.  Wouldn't it be better to be a willing participant than a stray piece of the thread that is cut out because it is much too difficult to work with?  Remember Jesus!

Psalm 81  (A Psalm of Asaph)
Here is another Psalm that has a very prominent theme.  Worship and Praise.  Not just any worship and praise though.  This is very specific, very anointed, very special to God.  This worship is commanded by God and derived from a heart and soul that is thankful for the deliverance that God has wrought in said persons life!  This type of worship is very special and important to God.  This type of worship lifts God up so He can draw all men unto Himself.  Deliverance worship is also one of the most heart felt, and true kinds of worship.

When we are truly thankful for someone saving us, we will do almost anything to repay that person.  Why should it be any different with God?  When Jesus saved us from our wretched, depraved, sin-filled lifestyles, our lives were complete changed and we were given a freedom that no one can describe.  What could be greater?

Yet, after all Jesus has done for us we still have the audacity to fold our arms, and wait for the rapture of the Church.  I have a feeling that we will be waiting a long time too long if we don't get off our proverbial rear-end and start worshiping Jesus like we ought!

If we read the end of the chapter we can find the God found the same attitude the Church faces today!  So, He let His people go, and they followed their hearts, lusts and counsels and ended up getting destroyed by the enemy!  I for one do not want the enemy of my soul winning the battle.  No!  I want my Saviour to get all the glory for everything in my life!

Let's Worship Jesus together, and let this world know what a great Saviour and Deliverer Jesus is!

Yours for Deliverance Worship,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 80

Good Morning World!

It has been a very interesting, eventful, trying, exciting and blessed few weeks.  God is so Good all the time!  First, I've been battling a head cold / sinus infection / chest infection for about 4 weeks, am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Much honey and Cinnamon and a couple other remedies are beginning to re-establish my bodies immune system.  Second, company.  The in-laws were out for a week. and finally, we bought our 5 children a large play house / swing set / tunnel slide.  Thank God these things go on sale a couple times a year!  That took about 5 evenings to put together.  All in all it has been quite a few weeks.  Things finally seem to be settling down, and we can continue our discovery of Psalms together once again!

Psalm 80
Another Psalm of Asaph, and one that immediately caught my attention, because Asaph references something in the first couple of verses that is important.  "...Thou that dwells between the cherubims..."  This is a very important statement and the meaning behind it continues throughout the whole Psalm.  

Referring to the God who dwells between the cherubims refers to the Old Tabernacle and Temple.  Within the Holiest of Holies was the Ark of the covenant. Upon this Ark was a lid and upon the lid was two cherubims facing each other over looking the MERCY SEAT.  Asaph was calling upon the mercy and grace of God to bring them back, and restore them!

There will be many times in our lives, and especially when we come to Jesus for Salvation, that we must call upon Him based upon His mercy and grace.  We can't possible hope to meet with Jesus any other way.  He is a Holy God, and He is Perfect so how can we possibly think to enter His presence and not be utterly destroyed!  We are all guilty of sin, wrong doing and bad attitudes, and God's holiness will not tolerate this.  We must then turn to the Mercy and Grace that Jesus displayed on Calvary, when He died for our sins and took our place.  This mercy and grace it what gives us the ability to walk into God's presence without dying!

We must thank God daily for His wonderful grace and mercy, as it is this that keeps us from His terrible wrath!  Thank You Jesus!

Yours for Mercy, Grace and Truth!
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 79

Good Morning World!

It looks like it is going to be a wonderful spring day!  Besides that no matter the weather in Jesus it is going to be a wonderful day too!

Psalm 79

Have you ever felt like you were attacked by the enemy and you are now left destitute?  Have you ever looked around you and you life seemed like it was in shambles?  Have you looked inside to see if you are the problem or is it something else?  Have you cried out for mercy, and sought the face of Jesus in repentance?

Sometimes the things that we go through are a lesson that should bring us closer to our Saviour, and remind us that we are fragile and need help from on high!  We must learn the lesson that Asaph was singing about.  "Lord forgive us, and save us from our unrighteous enemy, and we your people, the sheep of your pasture will give you thanks for ever!  We will show forth your praise to all generations!"

Don't let you circumstances drive you from the Saviour, rather let them show you the way to His loving, merciful arms!

Yours for Christ,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Bible Reading - Psalme 78

Good Morning World!

Well we are back, and even though I've gone ahead I felt that we should continue our posting where we left off.  There is something very special about truly reading the Word of God, and digesting it.  I remember as a child that we would read the Bible through in a year using a yearly Bible, and much of the time we would just skim through the readings just to say that we did it.  Now, I find I take my time a bit more and try to digest the Word, as it is my light, and guides me along life's pathway.

Psalm 78

Another song of Asaph, and one that should be remembered and read more often.  Asaph is singing a song of remembrance, and warning.  Asaph as a leader to his people is telling them that we must not forget the old law, and the old ways.  We must not forget what God has done for us, and done to us in the past.  It is imperative that we remember that what God says He will do, that is exactly what will happen!  If God tells us to obey and be blessed then we will be blessed if we obey.  On the other hand if God tells us that He will curse and punish us if we do not obey then we can be assured that we will be cursed and punished when we refuse to follow in His ways.

Asaph also takes us on a journey through the past.  In no particular order he describes some of God's past dealings with Israel as they are born into a nation and as they continuously forget the God who redeemed them from slavery and death.  There are times in our lives that we must take a walk down memory lane and remember no matter how painful the things that happened in the past.  When you take your walk don't sugar coat it, and make yourself feel fine.  No!  Review events through the eyes of experience, and realize your mistakes and the mistakes of others.  Don't relive the past unfruitfully, but learn from your past, and remember to walk in the straight paths of the Almighty!

Worship Jesus, and remember from whence He brought you!

Yours for a great relationship with Jesus,

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Keeping it Fresh

Good Morning World!

We are definitely going to get a flowery May as we are having quite a bit of April showers!  God's wonderful creation is taking care of itself once again.  Someone commented the other day that many people would say that the weather was terrible, and my reply was, "That is because their attitude is terrible!"

I've noticed that once Jesus has become a part of our lives many things don't really make our day bad or terrible such as the weather.  For the most part everyday is great.  Not because I like every type of weather, but because Jesus is at work and no matter the weather it is going to be a great day!  Sure, I like snow, and I don't mind the rain.  Sure, I would rather sunny days all the time, but I understand the weather and climate a bit, and realize that we need all types of weather to survive, and have a proper spring, summer, fall and winter.

WOW!  I am way off my thoughts for this morning!  I would say that the Lord wanted someone to read that!

Have you ever felt bored at work?  Have you ever felt like you work wasn't making sense any more?  Have you ever felt like you were not satisfied with what you were doing anymore?  Me too!  Actually, I have felt that many times.  As a preacher my work is ministry, but on occasion God leads me to put my hand to a task that is very indirectly related to ministry.  It is these tasks, such as owning a couple of small business that can be very unsatisfying.  When we are unsatisfied at work, our production becomes something less than desirable. We don't finish tasks on time or properly, and people and/or customers become displeased with our service and performance.

What we must learn to do is keep things fresh.  It wouldn't be advisable to quite your job every time you got unhappy.  Especially in our worlds current economic condition.  No, we must keep our job and learn to like or even love it.

To the employer:  If you have a few employers or many one thing I have learnt by being on both sides of the desk is that employees need to feel wanted and treated well.  I have talked to employees from a few different companies both local and abroad and have found the ones who are happy doing any job are the ones who are treated with respect and given unexpected bonuses or incentives.  It's called keeping it fresh.  Help your people out as much as possible as they are the ones who are keeping your accounts in the black!

To the employee:  One major thing I have noticed about employees is that fact that there are only two types.  1. Those who will not work any more than they have to.
2. Those who will work.
Those who fall into category one are those people who watch the clock for 5 O'clock to come and drop what ever as soon as the bell rings.  They are only there because they have to be in order to pay the bills and keep food on the table.  You will not get far in life with this type of attitude.  Don't leave your family behind, but for goodness sake stop watching the clock!
Those who fall into category two are those who work because they enjoy working and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.  This type of employee will usually get promoted sooner than those of category one.  The only con to being in category two is sometimes we tend to work too much, and don't leave enough time for family.

Now to finish it off.  Keeping it Fresh!  This is the idea of changing something up sometimes.  If you work closely with other people maybe trade jobs for a day or so.  If you work in a line maybe switch spots with someone for a couple hours.  If you work mainly by yourself then you will need to be a bit more creative as you need to get your work done, but you can find a different way to do it.  Keeping your work fresh will ensure that you stay happier longer.

Have a blessed day
Yours for Keeping Life Fresh in Jesus!
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 77

Good Morning World!

Psalm 77 - A Psalm of Asaph

If we would take the Psalms written by Asaph and separate them into their own book we would have a very interesting word picture painted.  Asaph brings a different set of emotional experiences to the table.  His experiences seem to be quite different to those of David, and this chapter is not any different.

Have you ever asked the question, "Where is God?"  or, "God where are you?"

Have you ever wondered why God allows the world to go the way it is going?

So, does Asaph.  He asks this question over and over again through more than half this scripture.  Has God left us?  Is God so angry at us that He is refusing to show mercy anymore?  Has God forsaken us?  The questions keep pouring from the soul of this great singer.

The interesting part is Asaph doesn't come up with an answer.  God doesn't shower down a revelation into the situation, nor does He reveal His plan to Asaph.  Rather Asaph decides that God is still good, worthy and awesome, and begins to remember what God did for him and Israel in the past.  In remembering what God is really like, and remembering God's greatness in the past Asaph begins to praise and worship again.  This praise and worship leads to testimony and soul winning because no matter what you are going through right now God is still good, and He still cares for you!

So praise Him for what He has done, and Jesus will make Himself real to you again!

Yours for the Sacrifice of Praise,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 76

Good Morning World!  We are back again!  WOW it really has been awhile, and Lord willing we won't have this much space between posts anymore.  Much has happened in our lives since the birth of our 5th and final baby from hospital visits to infections and the influenza, and it seems that life is once again normalizing. (If normal is a term that I can use for our life!)  Don't worry the baby has been fine and continues to grow much to "the mama's" dismay!  Little Jael isn't going to be little much longer.

Lord willing we can get through the rest of Psalms quickly as we don't have much left to read.

Psalm 76

We might as well say that we are reading from the book of Asaph as of late.  We again read a Psalm written by this great singer, and worship leader.  I rather enjoy reading Asaph as he seems to have great emotion sewn into his poetry and songs.  I also enjoy his word pictures, they help one see into the past and become apart of the writing.

The first verse really jumps out to me this morning.  "In Judah God is known."  This is a very powerful phrase.  It begs the question, "Is God known in your home, family, town, community or area?"  When other people look at you can or do they say, "He/She is close to God."?  When people visit your community can they feel the presence of the Almighty God as they enjoy the shopping, restaurants, hotels and other attractions?  We must not lower ourselves to the world around us, but we must stand fast and stay close to Jesus.  We must spend enough time with Jesus that the people of this day and age will say to us what was said to Peter and John, "They have been with Jesus!"

Wouldn't it be wonderful to know in your heart and spirit that you have spent time with the creator of the universe?  Wouldn't it be awesome to know that you made contact with the almighty God?  You, a nothing, a nobody, an insignificant being in an infinite universe took time to meet with the sustainer of all things!  I can't say that I have every been in the presence of earthly royalty, and probably never will, but I can say that I have been in the presence of Jehovah, our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.  He has condescended and allowed me to enter His holy presence, and I have rejoiced in Him and He has filled me up with His righteousness and goodness.

I want God to be known in my home.  I want God to be known in my community.  I don't mean I want to know God in my home, but I want the presence of God to be so strong in my home that when other walk by, or come to visit they know that they have been in the presence of God.  I want there to be a reputation that people can find God in our home.

Do you desire God to be in you home too?

Yours for a reputation of God,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 74 & 75

Good Morning World!

There is something satisfying about a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Especially when times are tough.  As Simon & Garfunkel sang, "Like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters", and another song, "Lean on Me when you're not strong"  These songs have been a source of refuge for many, because the words are so true.  We all need someone to lean on!

Psalm 74
This is another Psalm of passionate prayer and supplication.  The writer isn't David, but Asaph, and he is pleading with God for a desperate rescue.  In pleading with God Asaph begins to remind God of His covenants and promises to Israel.  Sometimes it is necessary to us to remind God what He said He would do.  It isn't so much for God's benefit as our own benefit.  Sometimes, it does us good to remember what God said He would do, and we must then make sure we are living up to our end of the bargain.  God is merciful and kind.   God is full of love and tender compassion.  However, God also loves a good contract.  He made many contracts with Israel and other throughout the Bible, and still continues to do so today.  So, if you are having a "go through"  try reminding you and God what the contract says, and then make sure that you are at least keeping your side.  You can be most assured that God will keep His side!

Psalm 75
Another song of Asaph.  I'm not sure of the time line, but I would like to submit that is was after the previous song of supplication.  Here we have a song of deliverance and rejoicing!  What wondrous things happen when we trust in the Lord, and we both keep our side of the contract!  God is good and greatly to be praised!  He deals righteously with the foolish and wicked, and raises up the righteous.  He takes care of His own and doesn't let the destroyer overcome them!

Praise the Lord and keep your trust in Him.  He will deliver and save you!
Yours for trust,
Pastor Fred

Friday, March 05, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 73 "Is the Grass Greener?"

Good Morning World!

Have you ever wondered why there seems to be so much injustice in the world today?  Have you ever wondered why it seems the bad are rewarded and the good are dealt an evil blow?  Well, I have and it seems we can have an answer today, and it comes from our Psalm of the day!

Psalm 73 - Book Three
David is confessing a questioning heart, and asking God for repentance because he almost turned away from God's way.  He looked around and saw that the ungodly didn't seem to have any problems, pain or poverty.  They seemed to have a silver spoon in their mouth from birth and acquired great riches easily.  This injustice was difficult for David to bare because he saw the righteous suffering on every hand, and he couldn't understand why!

Finally, he went to the temple to pray and seek and answer.  He got his answer!  He rejoiced and didn't slide when he saw the end of the wicked, and how they are despised by God, and cast away.  They are thrown into outer darkness, and are tormented for eternity.  This caused great joy as the truth that God is in control and does care about the affairs of man is still a fact!

May I put my two cents worth in.  After reading this chapter I got the thought that the righteous suffer now so they can be ready for eternal glory.  The wicked don't seem to suffer as much, but they will suffer for eternity in hell fire and the brimstone of damnation!

The military and police services both train their recruits for the worst that they can expect.  They put them through hell on earth so that they can be ready for anything when the time comes to be deployed!  We are in the army of God, and are being trained for eternal glory and a position the the court of the Almighty.  A little suffering down here will never out way the glory too come!

Praise God that I have been counted worthy to suffer down here that I may obtain an eternal crown and reward in glory!

Yours for daily training and suffering,
Pastor Fred

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 72 "A Prayer for Leadership"

Good Morning World!

This morning our reading is very important to everyone.  We all need and/or have a leader in our life.  We all have someone whether a person, police force, or government that we must answer to.  We all have people in our lives that lead us: teachers, pastors, business owners, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, premiers, kings and/or queens.  These people lead us, and teach us.  We hope that they are directing us in the right direction, however, sometimes they do not.  This morning's reading is a prayer for Solomon by the passing King David.  We ought to pray a similar prayer for the people in our lives who are leaders.

Psalms 72
 1Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son.
 2He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment.
 3The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.
 4He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.
 5They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.
 6He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.
 7In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.
 8He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.
 9They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.
 10The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.
 11Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.
 12For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.
 13He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.
 14He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight.
 15And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.
 16There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth.
 17His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.
 18Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.
 19And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.
 20The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. (Psalm 72, King James Version)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 71

Good Morning World!

This morning I say a prayer for all Business owners.  May the Lord grant you wisdom, strength and understanding.  May you get you work done within reasonable hours, and have time for family and friends.  May you ever look to Jesus as your Saviour and Deliverer, and find solace in His arms.  May you give Jesus honor, and may He give you great prosperity to help others.  In Jesus Name Amen!

Psalm 71
The theme the past few days has been the deliverance of God, and this chapter is no exception.  One thing I noticed in the reading this morning was that there seemed to be a behind the scenes theme.

The focus is the Almighty, and the reason for deliverance is because the Psalm is focused on the Lord, and He only.  When we put Jesus first, and serve Him only then we will have nothing between us, and He will be able to deliver us all the more.  The more junk that is between you and the Lord Jesus the less He is able to help.

Remember to look to Jesus, and he alone, and you will find peace and deliverance!

Yours for Jesus
Pastor Fred

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 70

Good Morning World!

Psalm 70
This morning I wanted to jump right into this small chapter because of the prelude more so than the text itself.  It says that this is a Psalm of remembrance, and yet David isn't remembering rather He is seeking deliverance from God.  Many times I have preached messages that have been about going to God when we need Him, and yet it is during the hard times that we most often forget to seek His face.  We need to remember Jesus all the more in the bad times, for it is in our moment so weakness that He can show forth greater strength and glory!

Remember that Jesus IS your Saviour.
Remember that Jesus IS your Deliverer.
Remember that Jesus IS your Help.
Remember that Jesus IS your Guiding Light.

Yours for Remembrance,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 69

Good Morning World!
Sometimes such a small amount of snow has fallen during the night that it looks like someone has sprinkled icing sugar all over the ground.  Sometimes Jesus is so near and soft that His presence is almost undisernable, but He is still there!

Psalm 69
This is a very loaded Psalm.  Not only does is depict someone who is in deep emotional turmoil over something that happened in life, but it also is a prophecy of the death of Jesus on the cross.

Have you ever felt lonely, miss treated, falsely accused? That is exactly the emotional disposition of the writer, and person being prophesied about.  Many times in our lives we feel like we are being wrongfully attacked, but we must learn to call on Jesus, and he will be there to save us from our problems!

Like the Psalmist we must wait on God!  He will answer our prayers and save us from our enemies!

Yours for Patience and Deliverance.
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 68

Good Morning World!

By now the smell of fresh coffee is beginning to permeate into your sleepy head, and the day is beginning to get started.  Let's take a cue from our friend David and talk about Jesus for awhile this morning.

Psalm 68
(A Psalm of remembrance, Praise, Worship and letting everyone know the Our God reigns!)

1. Remember.
    Remember when Jesus healed you?
    Remember when Jesus Saved you?
    Remember when Jesus answered your prayer?
    Remember when Jesus took you by the hand and brought you through your trial?
    Remember when Jesus helped you overcome you enemies?
    Remember when Jesus helped you run through a troupe and leap of a wall?

2. Praise
    Our God reigns, and is worthy to be praised!
    Our God reigns, and will lead captivity captive!
    Our God reigns, and will heal the broken hearted!
    Our God reigns, and will Save the weary soul!
    Our God reigns, and will douse the fiery darts of the wicked!
    Our God reigns, and will carry you through your flood!
    Our God reigns, and will bring peace and calm to your storm!
    Our God reigns for He is merciful and Kind to the humble of spirit!
    Our God reigns for He is full of Love and compassion toward the needy and desperate!
    Our God reigns for He is the creator and makes all things good!

3. Go tell it on the mountain!
    Now that we remember, and have spent some time Praising Him we must go tell others that our God reigns, and there is nothing like Jesus the saviour of the World!

Yours for Remembering, Praising and Telling!
Pastor Fred

Monday, February 22, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 67

Good Morning World!

This morning the reading is so awesome that I can't ad to it or explain it any better.  It is a song of blessing and praise, and should be read and sung all by itself.  As you read this today say it out loud, believe the words you are saying!  It will bring great blessing and promise into your life!

Psalm 67
 1God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.
 2That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.
 3Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
 4O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah.
 5Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
 6Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.
 7God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. (Psalm 67, King James Version)

May the Blessings of Jesus be upon you today!
Pastor Fred

Friday, February 19, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 66

Good Morning World!

Psalm 66
Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!  It is a day of vocal praise!  A day when we spread the good news of Gods greatness, Love and mercy!  We must tell others of the works of Jesus, and what He has done for us!

I challenge you to spread the good news of Jesus to those around you today!  You'll be amazed at what Jesus will do when you tell someone else!

Yours for Praise and spreading the Good news!
Pastor Fred

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 64 - 65

Good Morning World!

The snow is falling, and everything is white again for a moment.  I am so glad that Jesus covers us too, and makes us white.  However, Jesus is better than snow, because He doesn't melt in the sun, and spring will not wash Him away!

Psalm 64
A Psalm of victory!  Have you ever felt like everyone was against you?  Yeah, me too.  It isn't a very good feeling, but it doesn't mean the end of the world for you, because Jesus is on the throne in Heaven and He loves you and is on your side!  Our reading this morning describes a situation that looks hopeless.  A time when the wicked are attacking and because there is no retaliation they are bold and arrogant. Yet, no matter how dire the situation Jesus is still the ultimate hero, and He will rescue your soul from danger.  He will make the wicked eat their words, and pay for their indignities. Rest assured that you can put your trust in Jesus, and He will see you through!

Psalm 65
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be called to enter the throne room of a king or queen?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the private guest of royalty?  Let me assure you that you have been called and you have the privilege to be royalties guest!  Jesus has sent out a call to come, and you are on the list!  You have been called to enter the throne room of heaven, and kneel and the throne of Jesus the creator of the universe!  Not only that, but Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart right now and asking to be invited in so He can be your guest of honor!  Why not try the Lord today.  Just ask Him in your heart to stay!

Yours for a victorious relationship with Jesus,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 62 - 63

Good Morning World!
Wow! what a night!  3 sick children, and a restless baby!  Very fun!  Much prayer needed for my children so that they can start sleeping through the night again.  I am sure the mama is very tired, or at least will be when she finally gets up again this morning.

Psalm 62
This chapter really tells how I've been feeling lately. "I wait upon you God!"  With all the hustle and bustle that has happened of late, I feel left out, and I feel Jesus has been left out waiting too.  So again the search begins.  Where did I leave Jesus, and where did He get bypassed.  Don't worry this is a situation we all face.  So, my soul wait thou only upon Jesus; for my expectation is from Him!  As scripture notes: He is found if haply we will seek after Him!  Let us take a challenge and vow to step back from our hustle and wait on God, for truly it is only He who has power and mercy to direct our steps!

Psalm 63
This chapter follows a similar thought, and has a preface that David was in the wilderness of Judah when he wrote these thoughts.  I am sure we have all felt that we went through a person, spiritual, and/or mental wilderness at times in our lives.  These are times of test and trial.  When the chips are down, who will you rely on ?  When the going gets tough, who will you remember for help?  The direction you leave the wilderness is directly related to the things you turn to for help while in the wilderness.  People have gotten lost in their wilderness simple because they did not turn to the right source for guidance and help.  There are many mirages and images that can be followed, but there is only one that is real.  Jesus is the only one who has the ability to guide you safely through your wilderness.  Seek Him.  Find Him.  Follow Him.

Yours for the search of Jesus
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 60 - 61

Good Morning World!

I find it amazing how much we as humans rely on a schedule of events for our day to run smoothly.  This amazes me because our days rarely go according to plan!  For example this morning I am at the computer blogging before 7 a.m. because I was up cleaning the college building before 6 a.m., which is my regular schedule for each morning.  I haven't blogged all last week because I had a friend cleaning for me so I could help my wife with the baby's schedule.  The moral of the story is -- because I broke some of  my daily routine certain parts of my day became undo-able!  May I suggest something before we move on to Psalms?  If you have a good schedule that is keeping you close to Jesus don't change it unless you will get closer to Jesus!

Psalm 60
This chapter seems to indicate a fight between family members.  It is never pleasant to wage war with a member of you family.  We must seek a peaceful solution as quickly as possible.  We must seek the wisdom of Jesus as much as possible.  Jesus declared that a house divided against itself will fall.  We must pray for peace in the family daily, and ever seek to keep the peace within the family so we call all serve Jesus to the best of our ability.

Psalm 61
I would call this a song of trust and relationship.  These are attributes we must have with Jesus in our life.  We must trust Jesus is our shelter, our covert in the time of storm.  We must have a relationship with Jesus so that we may abide with Him forever, and daily perform our vows.  There is something special about abiding in His tabernacle, and learning from Him daily.  However, we can only transform our tabernacle into His tabernacle when we have a relationship with Him, and have surrendered every part of our lives to Him.

We surrender to Jesus through repenting of our selfish, sinful ways giving our lives into His control through baptism in Jesus name, which gives us family access through His name.  Finally, we become a full tabernacle and family member when we allow the DNA of heaven to flow through us and over flow through the infilling of the Holy Ghost as we speak in a heavenly language.

Let's stop fighting family. Let the prince of peace come into your life and recreate your tabernacle into something of beauty, something of use to the kingdom of heaven!

Yours for trust and relationship with Jesus!
Pastor Fred

Monday, February 15, 2010

A new Week

Good Morning World!

Getting back to normal is a much harder task than I had anticipated.  Anyway we will be posting again, and our daily Bible Reading will start again.  This week I'll be posting a couple chapters a day so we can catch up in our Psalm readings.

Our baby girl is doing great, and mommy is getting a schedule down.
Pray for us, as we proceed with this new life and endeavor.

Yours for the work of Jesus,
Pastor Fred

Friday, February 12, 2010

My Life: Two weeks of it anyway!

Good Morning world!

Wow!  What a whirl wind of events!  Besides buying our own print and office supply show, moving it to a new location, setting up, and catching up on past orders much has happened in our small corner of this great world.

The main reason we haven't been online is the fact that our computer decided to do some weired antics and eventually crash. Which meant some hours trying to find the problem, fix it and then eventually reformat the hard drive, not once but twice.  Now after a week and a half the usb ports are kicking the bucket.  Not sure if it is a virus or hardware related.  Anyway, that was one week!

Then another blessing in our life, a baby girl!  Jael Soraya Lillian joined us on Monday February 8 at 11:05 pm. I would post some picture, but because my usb drives are not recognizing my card reader at the moment I haven't been able to put them on my computer.  That issue will be taken care of shortly.

Jael Soraya Lillian was 9 lbs 3 3/4 ozs in weight.  She was 20 3/4 inches long.  Not our biggest, but definitely one of the strongest at birth.  She's very beautiful, and of course I'm absolutely prejudiced on that front!  We now have 3 boys and 2 girls.

Thank you for your prayers and patience. We will back online over the next couple of days.  We do have a video sermon to post, and we'll post a couple baby video's too.

God Bless! There is nothing more precious than a new born baby, and the joy that they bring to a family!

Yours for Jesus in you Life,
Pastor Fred

Friday, January 29, 2010

Vengence Is Mine....: Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 58

Good Morning World!  As I'm posting this morning it is safe to assume that our baby hasn't been born.  On the other hand we finally received a blanket of snow!  Not too deep as it is only a few centimeters, but none the less it is snow!  This morning is only the 3rd or 4th morning I had to shovel at work - God is Good!  As the last verse in our chapter this morning says, "...there is a reward for the righteous...!"

Psalm 58

This chapter questions the actions of mankind, and so we should.  We say that we are doing good, and living right as a human race, but we constantly destroy the planet, enslave the weak, kill and judge the innocent, gather in and never give and we are selfish.  Why do we always try to justify ourselves.  There is wrong and there is right.  The gray area people enjoy living in is much shallower than we think.  Many of the disastrous events of nature are the hand of God trying to guide us to realize that life is short and we shouldn't take it in our own hands.

Our righteousness isn't worth much, at least not in the eyes of God.  Scripture states that our righteousness is nothing more than filthy rags.  You can't hide the stains of your life forever, and Jesus in his mercy and grace is the only one who can wash them away.

Don't fool yourself into thinking you are good enough, and that all your many "good deeds" will get you through in the end.  Good deeds and doing right is great for helping humanity and are necessary, but they will not save your soul.  You need Jesus in your life to make what good you may do into something extraordinary!

I challenge you this morning to look at yourself in a different light today.  See your self as a rag that has just cleaned up a mess, and then run to Jesus the great cleaner for a cleansing that you will never forget!

Pastor Fred

 1Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation? do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men?
 2Yea, in heart ye work wickedness; ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth.
 3The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
 4Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
 5Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely.
 6Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.
 7Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.
 8As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.
 9Before your pots can feel the thorns, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living, and in his wrath.
 10The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
 11So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth. (Psalm 58, King James Version)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Fixates You? Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 57

Good Morning World!  No baby yet, but the day isn't over!  There is so much to be thankful for this morning as there is every morning.  Thank God for a good family.  Thank God for great friends.  Thank God for a great Church family.  Thank God for being a great Saviour who keeps His promises!

Psalm 57

This is yet another great song of trust and reliance upon Jesus who is our strengthener beyond our own abilities.  A verse caught my attention as I was reading, and I believe this may be a crucial point for every one who claims to be a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

7My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.

 This to me is the reason David was able to make it through the many hard tiresome trials that his life lead him through.  What does this verse mean to you?  When you have your heart fixed upon something, what are you daily actions pointed toward?  When you truly desire something are your thoughts, words, and deeds different?

Of course they are.  You are pointed at that target and you mean business.  You want that thing and nothing is going to stop you from achieving that goal.  There is no mountain too high, nor valley too low.  You are fixed upon your target, and like a heat seeking or laser guided missile you will hit your target!

I wonder what would happen if we as believers would fix our eyes upon Jesus, and no matter what goes on around us, completely surrender ourselves to His unfailing love and direction.  David isn't painting a pretty picture in this chapter.  Rather His is rejoicing and praising God for His goodness and mercy in spite of the pain that he is facing.  When we are fixed upon Jesus nothing matters, and we will find the strength in Jesus to do anything!

Yours for getting fixed on Jesus!
Pastor Fred

 1Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.
 2I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.
 3He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth.
 4My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.
 5Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.
 6They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah.
 7My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.
 8Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.
 9I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.
 10For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds.
 11Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth. (Psalm 57, King James Version)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No More Fear? Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 56

Good Morning world!

First I must apologize for vanishing these past few days.  Finally, the business we bought was able to be moved, but that was barely the beginning!  Then came the setup!  Much work and many hours later we are open, but still not finished.  On top of that the weather has been quite cold and the church water froze, so we had to cancel our Sunday service.  There may have seemed like much against us these weekend, however, God is still good all the time, and we are starting to see the light at the end of all the boxes!

Also, please pray for us as my wife is now due with our fifth child.  We always claim the promises of scripture, but will still be grateful if you would pray that everything goes well again.  This will most likely be our last child, and we are expecting that this one will be a surprise and a blessing as our other four have been.  (I will keep you updated on the new arrival.)

Psalm 56

 1 Be merciful to me, O God, for man would swallow me up;
         Fighting all day he oppresses me.
 2 My enemies would hound me all day,
         For there are many who fight against me, O Most High.
 3 Whenever I am afraid,
         I will trust in You.
 4 In God (I will praise His word),
         In God I have put my trust;
         I will not fear.
         What can flesh do to me?
 5 All day they twist my words;
         All their thoughts are against me for evil.
 6 They gather together,
         They hide, they mark my steps,
         When they lie in wait for my life.
 7 Shall they escape by iniquity?
         In anger cast down the peoples, O God!
 8 You number my wanderings;
         Put my tears into Your bottle;
         Are they not in Your book?
 9 When I cry out to You,
         Then my enemies will turn back;
         This I know, because God is for me.
 10 In God (I will praise His word),
         In the LORD (I will praise His word),
 11 In God I have put my trust;
         I will not be afraid.
         What can man do to me?
 12 Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God;
         I will render praises to You,
 13 For You have delivered my soul from death.
         Have You not kept my feet from falling,
         That I may walk before God
         In the light of the living? (Psalm 56, New King James Version)

I've noted three key verses this morning that speak wonderful things to me.  1. Verse 3 "What time I am afraid, I will trust in you!"  I've preached from this verse before, and probably will again.  It doesn't matter what goes on in life we all feel the twinge of fear at times.  I am not someone given to fear much, but there have been times when I have felt my heart pump faster and the adrenaline pump through my veins.  Fear can paralyze the body, soul and mind! We ought always to trust in Jesus, but especially when we are afraid.  Jesus didn't give us the spirit of fear, and it is He alone that can alleviate our fears.

2. Verse 9 "...because God is for me."  this continues the though above, and reminds me of the verse in Romans 8 that says, "If God be for us who can be against us?"  Why do I trust Jesus?  Why do I fear less when I put my problems in His care?  Because, He is for me, and if Jesus is in my corner there is no one who can defeat me!

3. Verse 11 "What can man do to me?"  Too often we rely on reputation, and are more concerned about what others will think of us than reality.  Ask yourself this question, "If I am trusting in Jesus, and He is on my side, what can man do to me that will destroy or hurt me?"  The answer is NOTHING!  Another verse comes to mind.  "Don't fear man who can only kill the body, fear God who can destroy the body and cast your soul into hell fire!" (paraphrased)  Why are we so concerned about what mankind thinks?  Live for Jesus like its the last thing you will ever do and everything else will come together!

Have a blessed day!
Pastor Fred

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Deceit & Betrayal: Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 55

Good Morning World!

We as a race are so narrowly focused that we miss the beauty, wonder, grandeur, and glory around us far too often.  This morning is case in point.  After leaving work this morning I only remember noticing a couple of stores, as I purposely looked at them to see if they were open yet as it was very early.  After getting home I realized that I didn't take the time to notice the glory of God's wonderful creation.  I was too preoccupied with my own problems and circumstances that I didn't take time to meet with my creator.  It is a sad day when we are too busy to take some time to meet with the one who makes it all possible.  If someone were to put you in their will, and you were going to inherit a large amount of money and a beautiful estate there would be very little that could keep you away from this benefactor.  You would do what ever you could to keep them happy and satisfied.  However, we have received a greater inheritance from Jesus Christ, and we all to often blow it off by wasting our time worrying over the trivial things of life!

Psalm 55

David had trials galore during this phase of his life.  It would seem these few chapters were written during the time when Saul was chasing him around.  David felt betrayed.  David felt deceived many times.  Yet even though the people closest too him seemed to treat him the worst, David always turned to God for strength.  Why do internalize our problems and circumstances?  Why do we make a mountain out of a mole hill?  Why do we take offence at life events as if we are the be all and end all?  I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you are not the first nor are you the last.  You are not the only one who is feeling as you are, nor are you the only one who has or is facing what you are facing.  Let's be more like David and sing a song of praise to Jesus.  There is nothing like a good upbeat praise and worship song to lift the spirit.

Your's for singing in the rain,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Save Me! Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 54

Good Morning World!

Satellites are a wonderful invention.  I gazed up into the dark abyss this morning, as I returned to my van after cleaning.  The brightness of a few of the stars or planets lead me to believe they were probably satellites.  I began to wonder if I could see much detail through my sons telescope.  We had looked at the moon last night and saw the craters and mountains, so why can we not see some detail on a satellite.  Suddenly I realized something slightly related and yet totally different.  I am a satellite.  What?  Yes!  I am a satellite sending and receiving information, data and relationship to and from Jesus Christ.  If all of the believers could focus their signals, it would amplify the transmission around the world!  I can only imagine what would happen!

Psalm 54

Have you ever felt betrayed?  Have you ever trusted someone to hide a secret, but they betrayed you trust?  Have you ever needed to hide from something, but someone you trusted gave you away?  That is exactly the background of this Chapter. (According to the pre-notes anyway.)
David was forced to hide from king Saul for many years, because Saul found out the God had chosen David as king instead of him.  During one of David's undercover operations he stayed with the Ziphims.  They welcomed him in and then turned around and told Saul David's location.  This betrayal is very much like many situations that we all face.  In a world where trust is thin and loyalty a thing of the past many are betrayed daily.
We must learn to do as David did.  Worship through the pain.  God will deliver just desserts!  God will avenge your pain!  Jesus has delivered and He will deliver again.  Don't be so discouraged that you can't get back up.  Trust in Jesus He will never let you down no matter what men will do to you!

Yours for trusting Jesus
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Are You A Fool? Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 53

Good Morning World!

It is interesting to note people's responses to different stimuli.  We (you and I) could go through the same situation in life, but we could have two totally different out comes based almost entirely on our character and reaction to said circumstance.  For example I believe in God, and I believe that He is my Saviour and His name is Jesus, which He displayed through the birth, life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  You may not believe this.  You may not have much faith in "a" god let alone believe in "The Only" God.  Our different types of faith will change the outcome of any similar life events we may go through.  I will lean on Jesus for strength, direction, comfort and wisdom and therefore, feel much less stress in my situation.  You may not have Jesus to lean on and therefore, stress may cause you to have a nervous break down.  I will go to Church and worship, you may end up in the  hospital on anti-depressants or anti-stress medicine.

Psalm 53

This is very much like what David is talking about in this Chapter.

The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God."
What a thing to say.  I wonder how many atheists could actually confess with absolute certainty that there is no God or overseeing universal force?  To say that there is no God is very definitive and close minded. To put you faith in a science that continually proves that God exists seems almost a paradox!

David the prophet is speaking about the captivity of God's people.  It is almost laughable in a way, because every time that Israel stopped completely trusting in God they ended up slaves to some heathen nation.  Then when they finally smartened up and began to call on God He would deliver them with a mighty hand.  This wasn't just a one time deal either.  Israel went around the mulberry bush many times!

Not only were the heathen's fools to think that their vast armies and superior strength had won the battles against Israel, but Israel was foolish to think that their little nation could make it without God's direction. Just think about it this way.  You and your family are just a small almost insignificant part of this whole worlds population as am I.  Yet, we believe that we can beat the odds by ourselves and become something.  The fact is none of us can become anything without some interdependence with others.  You need teachers to teach you.  You need books other people have written to inspire you.  You need financial sources most people don't have.  You need some to discuss ideas with.  We all need someone else to become anything in life.  Why can't that someone be the almighty, all knowing, ever present, all wise God of the entire universe?  Why can't we lean on the one who not only created everything, but also created a plan for us to enter into His presence and be able to live?

Don't become a fool and discredit the things of God just because some one tells you to.  Search the scriptures yourself and see if God isn't real.

Pastor Fred

Monday, January 18, 2010

When God fights back! Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 52

Good Morning world!

I'm running a bit late this morning so we will get right to it.
Ps. New Message posted in Pastor Fred Online Videos.  Subscribe to our youtube channel to stay updated.

Psalm 52

There is something wonderful when God fights back!  In our chapter today David is describing the down fall of someone who did not put their trust in God.  There is a great advantage in trusting in the Lord daily.  For when trouble comes we will have someone to lean on.  Don't let the mockers melt your faith, for one day they will pay at the hands of God.

Keep trusting in the Lord and you will find success!

Pastor Fred

Sunday, January 17, 2010

True Repentance: Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 51

Good Morning World!  It is cold! (at least to me - lol) It's been so nice and warm this winter so far that getting to the minus 10 area of the thermometer is almost bone chilling.  (Also note that we have a damp wet cold because of the ocean as opposed to the dry cold of the main land. The wet cold feels at least 10 degrees colder than it actually is...)  Anyway, now that I've got my shivers out on to the post!

Psalm 51

This has been one of my favorite chapters for many years.  The ultimate prayer of repentance.  In a situation of murder, betrayal, fornication and a major cover up to prophet of God points his finger at the king's (David's) face and says, "You are the man!"  A parable told.  A king's passionate response. Heart wrenching guilt!  David had a heart after God's own heart not because he was sinless, but because he knew how to repent, pray and worship no matter what anyone else thought.  As a king David could almost get away with anything, but God was watching and he doesn't over look sin as the populous does.  David and God had such a connection that Jehovah himself had to address this terrible act.  As soon as David felt the pain of what he had done he immediately began to repent, and God made him pay the consequence of this sin.

Repentance can become a very healing event in our life if we would learn to accept it rather than stubbornly push it away.  Releasing ones sin and turmoil to the creator is one of the greatest experiences in a persons life!

I challenge you today.  Find a way to feel the pain of your sins.  Whether it be going to church and hearing a hell fire and brimstone message, or allowing the preacher to personally show you your fault.  Maybe you could just look back on your life honestly and openly in light of scripture and in the presence of God.  Somehow you need to feel the pain of sin and then you will know that you must repent.  I can guarantee that you will find peace, joy and healing in the painful process!

Here is a link to what the Bible says about sin:  A Study about sin.

Yours for a repentant heart!
Pastor Fred

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Formula for Success? Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 50

Good Morning World!  How is it in your corner of this round globe we call home?  Are you praying for those who have been ravaged in the earthquake? What are you doing to make your world better?  Just a thought.
(My mouse or browser isn't working right so no pictures to day - sorry!)
Psalm 50

"Whoso offers praise glorifies Me: and to him that orders his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God!"
May I present to you a key to success! This Psalm of Asaph resonates the two universal poles of spirituality.  On one hand we have the true follower of God; one to whom God is showing a better way to worship.  On the other hand we have those who live their lives in denial of God, and do nothing to please Him.  If you want to through stones - fine, yet there is really no in between.  We may try to look at life through rose colored glasses, but the fact still remains there is right and there is wrong.

One thing that struck me as interestingly wonderful in this chapter, was the fact that the writer is prophecying about the time of Jesus Christ and His relationship with humanity through the institution of the Church.  God will no longer accept the bloody sacrifices that was required, rather He is looking for a heart of worship.  Jesus is looking for true worshipers who are willing to follow and He will deliver you from you troubles!

On the other hand we have God severely judging those who have refused to follow Him, and have gone their own way.  It is interesting that prophet writes these words:
"These things you have done, and I kept in silence; you thought that I was altogether such an one as yourself: but I will reprove you, and set them in order before thine eyes."
This verse describes how many people feel about God.  Either He doesn't exist because He isn't punishing me or He doesn't care what I do.  Well I'm afraid one day your thine bubble will be burst!  One day God will reprove all sin and those who commit sin.  It may be today for you or it may be down the road, but rest assured one day all those who don't follow Jesus will be reproved!

What is the hurry you say?  Time isn't your friend, and the only reason you have time is because Jesus is giving you time to make the right decision.  Jesus is giving you opportunities to repent and turn from your current path of destruction toward the path of Life!  We have laid before you a choice.  We have given you a formula for true success.  Give it to Jesus and follow Him or go it alone, and fall into a terrible trap called sin!  The choice is yours; life or death.

Yours for true Success,
Pastor Fred

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Destiny -- Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 49

Good Morning World! God is so Good!  We must never forget that we serve a great big wonderful God.  Too often we set our minds upon our day, schedule, work, play, agenda and we forget that it is because of Him that we live and move and have our being.  It is Jesus who is the real reason for living!

Psalm 49

What is it about life that divides us?  There are the rich, and there are the poor.  Some of the rich were poor, and many of the poor have tasted riches.  Then there are those of us somewhere in the middle.  We are neither rich, nor poor.  Even though we are all human; men women and children our monetary status seems to cause us to be divided.  David dives into this situation somewhat in this chapter.

David wants to have everyone's attention.  He has something very important to discuss.  The topic is so strong in his mind that he even puts it to music and asks the sons of Korah (the praise band) to sing it aloud.  The topic is destiny.  The discussion is wealth, poverty and death.  What good will your riches do you in the end?  You cannot redeem yourself with money.  You cannot buy your way into heaven.  You cannot purchase a heavenly mansion.  You cannot even save a fellow man with you riches.  You can do a lot of good with wealth and money, but it will not save your soul.  Someone else will spend what you have what you have so desperately tried to build and save.

In the end we are all poor and impoverished.  In the end we will all be left with nothing.  In the end we will all be left to answer for our actions.  In the end we all have the same value as the beggar on the street corner.  When the bell tolls we may be morned and missed, or others may rejoice, but the fact remains you will see Jesus, and He will want to know what you've done.  Did you surrender you life into the hands of the creator, or did you squander your life to the whims of the world?

Today is a good day to decide to change direction.  Call on Jesus today.  He will give you a peace that you will not be able to explain.  Money can't buy it, and poverty can't steal it.  It is the joy of knowing that your Saviour lives, and has redeemed your soul!

Yours for a new Destiny,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A House With God In It. -- Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 48

Good Morning World!  Another nice crisp morning is upon us, and Jesus is still on the throne!  As the scripture says, "The heavens are his throne and the earth his footstool."  I'm glad He is in charge and not some universal coalition of bureaucrats.

Psalm 48

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a house with God.  I don't mean that God is always everywhere, and of course we are in a house with God, rather you and God are there together, and both of you know it.  This seems to be the scenario that David is describing.  The Palace and Temple are houses not just of the kings and priests, but God lives there, and He directs and guides His people from there.

Oh, to release myself from my own inhibition and learn to live as a family member with Jesus. Yes, I know that we are the children of God, but we do not often live like we live in the same house as Jesus.  Think about it.  Can you imagine racing Jesus for the last cookie, or knocking on the bathroom door so you can have a turn?  Think about being so close to Jesus that you are like family.  Think about trusting Jesus like a father or older brother.  We often ask our earthly fathers for favors, money, gifts, treats, love, hugs, kisses, advice and much more, and yet we can't seem to bring ourselves to treat Jesus, our Heavenly Father, as we do our earthly father.  In many cases I'm glad we don't treat Jesus as we do our earthly father, because there is so much disrespect and such a cynical attitude toward parents.  Yet, if we could learn to treat our "fathers" as truly we ought to there would be so much more of a dynamic between you and your earthly dad, and you and your heavenly dad.

I challenge you today to repent of your sins past, present and future.  I challenge you to try the love of Jesus on for size.  I challenge you to climb up into Jesus' lap, and have a conversation with Him today.  A conversation like you always wanted to have with your physical dad.  I challenge you to get to know Jesus as more than just a God who is out there, but rather as a God who is a part of the family - your family!

Yours for a heavenly family,
Pastor Fred

Something to Laugh About!

Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!