Friday, November 23, 2012

A Thankful Heart

Good Morning World!

Down south past the Canadian boarder many people are getting ready for thanksgiving, no sorry scratch that, it's Black Friday and many people are getting ready to spend more money than they actually have!  Don't get me wrong finding a sale to save some green backs is very nice and all, but to stand in a line up for hours, and then fight over toys and electronics so that your children or loved ones will be happy on Christmas morning?  What kind of thanksgiving celebration is this?  Now we have black Friday in Canada because many of our chain stores come from down in the USA, I'm not sure how I feel about, NO I am sure.  We shouldn't do this!  The Bible tells us that we should give thanks in everything!  A thankful and merry heart is like good medicine.  All this hustle and bustle just so some giant rich stores can make more money isn't worth it, and the stress you'll feel is definitely not worth it!

So, let's slow down - take a breath - and find something to be thankful about!
Here are a few to help get you going:

I am thankful for fresh air to breath.
I am thankful for a family that loves me.
I am thankful for a home to live in.
I am thankful for a community that cares enough to help those in need.
I am thankful for a Country that still believes in freedom.
I am thankful for those that paid the price of my freedom.
I am thankful for friends who are there....
I am thankful for my Saviour Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for Healing and Miracles.
I am thankful for my sweet Children and the funny things they do.
I am thankful for a wife that loves me - unconditionally.
I am thankful for parents that raised me to know the difference...
I am thankful for a good education and the ability to learn even today.
I am thankful for a good cup of tea.
I am thankful for pancakes, french toast and oatmeal.
I am thankful for the farmers who work hard to supply our food.
I am thankful for the wisdom of seniors.
I am thankful for cameras so I can remember the past in color.
I am thankful for facebook & skype so I can talk to people far away.
I am thankful for my Bible which keeps me grounded on the straight and narrow.
I am thankful for Pie & Ice cream....
I am thankful for my Quad ATV, which gets me away from it all...

As you can see the list can keep on going forever!
Let's remember to be thankful!

Yours for Christ
Pastor Fred

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Something to Laugh About!

Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!