Thursday, November 30, 2006

In Everything Give Thanks!

This was one of those days that you could write home about! WOW! It was really great! Work went smoothly for a change, it just seemed everything worked out right!

The Bible tells us in Thessalonians, "in everything Give Thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning you!" I realized something today in the midst of all the hustle and bustle that we ought to remember to thank God for the good days, and during the bad days remember the good ones so we can find something to thank God for!

I'm not too much into "positive thinking", however, I've learnt that if you set your mind frame to think joyfully, thankfully, and in a positive and cheerful maner that the day usually turns out much better than if you don't really determine to look at life any particular way.

We all know that a grumpy person tends to get grumpier, so that same should hold true for that of a person with a thankful and cheerful outlook on life!

So, here is my challenge to you! Instead of just letting life slip by tonight and tommorrow change your frame of mind and be thankful in every situation, be cheerful, kind and curtious, and finally put a big smile one your face. Next, go out the front door, and go conquer your day in Jesus Name!

I Dare you to try this! I can garantee it will change your life! (PS> if it doesn't work for you, you've missed something very important so go back and try again!)

Yours with a thankful heart!
Pastor Fred

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Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!