When someone yells, "Fire!, Fire!" What is the first thing that comes to mind? Stop. Drop. Roll. Call 911. Get water. What comes to mind when you are alerted about a fire? Too, many of us fire is considered dangerous, and we shy away from it as much as possible. Sure, we may heat our homes with, and it may be the driving force in many of our vehicles, but other than that we don't like fire. Forest fires destroy much of our real estate every year. Fires destroy many homes every year. The list could go on and on. However, there is some elements of fire that we must understand before we can truly understand its power, potential and so we can loose our fear of it.
First, fire starts with a single spark which then combusts with something else and oxygen to form a flame. This flame then becomes larger as it consumes whatever it comes in contact with. This is the reason that fire can be so dangerous. However, fire needs oxygen and a slight breeze

to burn. Take away oxygen and the fire dies very quickly.
You may be wondering by now what in the world is this crazy preacher talking about fire for? Well, let me get into it.
I would like everyone to become a fire, in a sense. Why, What do you mean?
1. Fire consumes whatever is around it. If we are going to change our world for the better, and impact lives for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ then we must become a spiritual fire that will leap onto those who are near us, and consume them! Every ideal, proposal, business plan, must light a fire under those who hear and read them or they will surely die. We must possess and display such a passion about what we believe in that it must consume those who see and hear it!
2. Fire needs oxygen and fuel to burn. We must be a source of continual inspiration and substance for people to feed off of. We also, must be connected to the ultimate source - Jesus Christ. We must get in His presence and feed upon His Word as often each day as we can. Thus, we will be able to impact other peoples lives more easily!
What do you get excited about? What gets you going? What do you enjoy talking about? Learn how you feel when you are doing those things, and then get just as excited about Jesus, and let your flame burn!
Burning for Christ,
Pastor Fred