November 27, 2009
Psalm 19

Here we have another lengthy song, and there is much on
e can learn and glean from this Chapter. Let us look at just a couple.
1. The Heavens Declare the Glory of God! I am always
filled with wonder and awe when I take a
stroll through the country, forest or marsh lands it is always so dependent, perfect and serene. Then on a clear night when I look up into a star filled sky and I begin to find the constellations and see an arm of our Milky Way it almost takes my bre
ath away at the Glory of God! If you ever feel alone and forgotten just take a walk in a wood or take a look up into the clear night sky and you will know the God Loves you!

2. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O
Lord my strength and my redeemer! If we can learn to keep our minds on Jesus. If we can learn to look around, beyond or even through our troubles just to get a glimpse of the Saviour; o how different our days would be! Keeping your mind stayed on Jesus will help you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will be a different person.
Finally, notice that these happen to be the first and last verses of this chapter. Let you day begin and end with Jesus! Let your day continue with Jesus! Let the great God of the universe be by your side all the day through. Once you begin to do this you will soon recognize Him in many things throughout your daily life!
For a life with Jesus
Pastor Fred
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