Before we get into this chapter, I'd like to note that Psalms is a very pertinent book to any generation, as it is a series of God inspired poetry. Poetry always comes from the heart, and explains the emotions of humanity in a musical understandable manner. When reading the Psalms try to connect with the writers spirit. The experience will be much more meaningful to you.
November 23, 2009
Psalm 15

The Question is raised, "Who will live in the presence of God, and enjoy the benefits of His Kingdom?"
The Answer is given: Those who -
- Walk Uprightly
- Work Righteousness
- Speak the Truth / Live the Truth
- Contemn the Vile Person
- Honor those who fear God
- Doesn't Put out His money to usery (takes interest for profit)
- Doesn't take a bribe against the innocent
- Doesn't Backbight (gossip / Degrade others reputation)
- Doesn't Do Evil to his neighbor
- Doesn't reproach His Neighbor
- Swears to their own hurt
- Doesn't Change in spite of Adversity
The Person who follows these ideals shall never be moved!
If we ever have trouble doing these things we need to get a hold of Jesus and pray through until we get the victory over our problems!
Yours for living in the Presence of God
Pastor Fred
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