Good Morning World, and Happy New Year's Eve! May the Lord richly bless you. May His light shine upon you and light your path. May you have a new relationship with Jesus, and see what God and really be to you!
Thank you for helping this blog reach over 3800 souls and over 150 countries! I can't what to see over 4000 souls and more! Stick around and see what God is going to do!
Psalm 40
David is again describing the trials and tribulations of life. Knowing this gives me hope! The knowing that the man after God's own heart had good days and bad days. He had ups and downs. He felt small, poor and needy even though he became king of Israel. This gives me hope and comfort! Why, you ask? Because, when I have my ups, downs, ins and outs I too can still trust in my maker and know that He is there to show his great grace and mercy through me! Don't ever feel too low. Don't ever let your emotions take you to the edge of destruction. Be like David and let your spirit cry out. You will soon see the mercy and love of Jesus enveloping you and giving you peace in your storm! Let your enemies be ashamed and desolate! Let your spirit rejoice because it trusted in and sought after Jesus!
Psalm 41
Let the first statement of this chapter be our New Year's resolution, "Blessed is he that considers the poor!"
Don't worry about losing weight -- you'll do that when your are ready.
Don't worry about relationships -- that will happen in time.
Don't worry about your bad habits -- you'll stop them when you are fed up with yourself.
NO, this year do one thing; consider the poor! There is such great blessing when we look beyond ourselves and reach into the life of someone who is needy. Everyone has a need. You can find them on your street. They could be your neighbor. There is no better why to show the love of God than by helping someone who is poor and destitute. In this tough economic time when many millions of people are out of work it is time for God's people to rise up and help the poor.
Am I poor? In today's standards -- YES! I've never made enough money in a year to bring me over the national poverty level. Am I blessed? In God's economy -- YES! I have less than many, and more than most. I am blessed! God is good to me, and I want to show that goodness to someone else!
This year find a soup kitchen, homeless shelter or someone unemployed and help them. It may not be much, but Jesus will multiply your efforts! May be that is the point of the miracle of the fishes and loaves. Little is much when God is in it!
Are you having trouble making ends meet? So am I! Yet, when we help the needy God not only supply's our needs but also the needs of others! It is amazing! I dare you to try, and see how God blesses you!
Yours for a great New Year in Jesus
Pastor Fred
Pastor Fred's Blog is a one-stop-shop of things to do with Salvation, Christianity, Bible Study, Devotions, Home School resources, Spiritual Advice, Computer Repair Software, and can be used as a portal to many other wonderful things!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Famous Last Words!
Have you ever been asked to do something, and the person in need ends their plea with, "It'll only take a couple of minutes!"
Famous Last Words!
An hour later you're wondering where the couple minutes went.
Has anyone ever asked, "Could you come over I have a couple questions?"
Famous Last Words!
An hour and a half later you're wondering why you are behind schedule!
It I was to describe yesterday that would be the phrase I'd have to use. Having said that, I can't complain. We still managed to get our work done, and God is still Good All the Time!
Next time you have a Famous Last Words kind of day, just remember Jesus is still in control and He is still Good no matte how your day actually goes!
Famous Last Words!
An hour later you're wondering where the couple minutes went.
Has anyone ever asked, "Could you come over I have a couple questions?"
Famous Last Words!
An hour and a half later you're wondering why you are behind schedule!
It I was to describe yesterday that would be the phrase I'd have to use. Having said that, I can't complain. We still managed to get our work done, and God is still Good All the Time!
Next time you have a Famous Last Words kind of day, just remember Jesus is still in control and He is still Good no matte how your day actually goes!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Daily Devotion & Bible Reading -- Psalm 38 - 39
Good Morning and Happy New Year! (Almost!)
I pray and trust that you've all had a bless Christmas Season, and that the Spirit of the Almighty has reached His had into your life. Remember that Jesus is always available, and He is ready to answer your cry for help in these unsettling times.
This has been a very interesting, blessed and busy time for us. As mentioned a few days ago, we have been blessed with a new business, and now the hard work begins as we prepare a new store, move the old to the new, and still finish all the other seasonal work that is required. Many long days and short nights are foreseen ahead!
We were also blessed with seeing some of my family who we haven't seen in 10 years! Some more in about 8 years! It was fun, interesting and wonderful to renew family connections, especially ones that you may never get a chance to see again. Reminiscing about the past, giving nostalgic gifts, and dreaming of the future are all part of meeting old family ties. It was wonderful! I was even able to minister the gospel to them through clowning and preaching, which was something of interest all in itself! Thank God for this Christmas. Many memories that should never be forgotten! We also ended up in the hospital with our little boy Benjamin, who had a reaction to some dogs, along with some congestion had trouble breathing and ended on a ventalin mask. 3 times. It all worked out, and we were prescribed a puffer. Since being home he hasn't had a problem. We will definitely need to be careful around dogs in the future.
Daily Devotion -- December 28, 2009
Psalm 38 -- 39
(Try to catch up a little from the holidays)
Both of these chapters deal with personal sin. First we have a great chapter of repentance something we should make a practice of on a regular basis. Repentance is very important to good spiritual health, and will keep your mind clean and at ease. Repentance is also a sure way to stay in contact with Jesus, and will allow His Spirit to work in us more effectively.
Second David is concerned about his spiritual tendencies. He feels very upset that he is full of vanity and sin. Even though he vowed not to sin, and to bridle his mouth it seems he had much trouble. This caused him much internal turmoil, and instead of completely closing up, he turned to God, and poured out his heart. This is a great point and shows us that we need to release our problems to God. If you ever find yourself internalizing because of your problems find a secluded place and release your thoughts and problems vocally to God. The will help cleanse your spirit, and keep you in contact with Jesus who is the ultimate problem solver!
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't lose faith!
Yours for a renewed relationship with Jesus,
Pastor Fred
I pray and trust that you've all had a bless Christmas Season, and that the Spirit of the Almighty has reached His had into your life. Remember that Jesus is always available, and He is ready to answer your cry for help in these unsettling times.
This has been a very interesting, blessed and busy time for us. As mentioned a few days ago, we have been blessed with a new business, and now the hard work begins as we prepare a new store, move the old to the new, and still finish all the other seasonal work that is required. Many long days and short nights are foreseen ahead!
We were also blessed with seeing some of my family who we haven't seen in 10 years! Some more in about 8 years! It was fun, interesting and wonderful to renew family connections, especially ones that you may never get a chance to see again. Reminiscing about the past, giving nostalgic gifts, and dreaming of the future are all part of meeting old family ties. It was wonderful! I was even able to minister the gospel to them through clowning and preaching, which was something of interest all in itself! Thank God for this Christmas. Many memories that should never be forgotten! We also ended up in the hospital with our little boy Benjamin, who had a reaction to some dogs, along with some congestion had trouble breathing and ended on a ventalin mask. 3 times. It all worked out, and we were prescribed a puffer. Since being home he hasn't had a problem. We will definitely need to be careful around dogs in the future.
Daily Devotion -- December 28, 2009
Psalm 38 -- 39
(Try to catch up a little from the holidays)
Both of these chapters deal with personal sin. First we have a great chapter of repentance something we should make a practice of on a regular basis. Repentance is very important to good spiritual health, and will keep your mind clean and at ease. Repentance is also a sure way to stay in contact with Jesus, and will allow His Spirit to work in us more effectively.
Second David is concerned about his spiritual tendencies. He feels very upset that he is full of vanity and sin. Even though he vowed not to sin, and to bridle his mouth it seems he had much trouble. This caused him much internal turmoil, and instead of completely closing up, he turned to God, and poured out his heart. This is a great point and shows us that we need to release our problems to God. If you ever find yourself internalizing because of your problems find a secluded place and release your thoughts and problems vocally to God. The will help cleanse your spirit, and keep you in contact with Jesus who is the ultimate problem solver!
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't lose faith!
Yours for a renewed relationship with Jesus,
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 37
Merry Tibbs Eve World! (A Newfoundland Tradition - The Eve of Christmas Eve!)
May the Good Lord shine His light upon you and direct your steps and heart this holiday season.
December 23, 2009
Psalm 37
This is another Psalm of David that talks about the age old fight between Good and Evil. Herein, is describe the fact that the righteous must have patience, mercy and love in the face of the evil and wicked ways of worldly people. Don't fret or worry about their actions, too much. Pray. Yes, Pray desperately for their salvation, but don't fret about the condition they are in. Sooner or later they will be gone and the righteous will be left!
Trust in the Lord and he will direct your paths! Commit your plans and ways into His care and He will bring them to pass!
The key is patience, mercy, love and trust. So, often we trust in our own schemes, and they fail. Why not try the God of the Universe today and let Him work out the fine print. He does such a great job and working out details. Just look at nature around you!
This Christmas season take time to have a conversation with Jesus about your life, and the direction it is taking. You'll not be sorry!
Yours for Trust, Love, Patience and Mercy,
Pastor Fred
May the Good Lord shine His light upon you and direct your steps and heart this holiday season.
December 23, 2009
Psalm 37
This is another Psalm of David that talks about the age old fight between Good and Evil. Herein, is describe the fact that the righteous must have patience, mercy and love in the face of the evil and wicked ways of worldly people. Don't fret or worry about their actions, too much. Pray. Yes, Pray desperately for their salvation, but don't fret about the condition they are in. Sooner or later they will be gone and the righteous will be left!
Trust in the Lord and he will direct your paths! Commit your plans and ways into His care and He will bring them to pass!
The key is patience, mercy, love and trust. So, often we trust in our own schemes, and they fail. Why not try the God of the Universe today and let Him work out the fine print. He does such a great job and working out details. Just look at nature around you!
This Christmas season take time to have a conversation with Jesus about your life, and the direction it is taking. You'll not be sorry!
Yours for Trust, Love, Patience and Mercy,
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 36
Good Morning and Merry Christmas World! From the "True North Strong and Free" to the south of Chile, From the north of Siberia to the Cape of Good Hope, From the Philippines to the outback of Queensland, From the North Pole to the Antarctic may the Joy of this blessed season wash over you, and the Peace of Jesus Christ comfort you!
December 22, 2009
Psalm 36
Sometimes we forget that we live in a wicked world. The everyday grind makes us immune to the chaos around us. David thought he lived in a wicked world. I wonder what he would say about the generation we live in today?
Still through all the wickedness and crap this world has in it God is still Good All the Time. His word is forever settled in heaven, and He really is in control. He is great in righteousness, mercy and loving kindness. He will take care of all those who put their trust in Him, and He will take care of all those who don't put their trust in Him.
So often we forget to look beyond our little comfort zone. We live a selfish life that consists of all our immediate needs. That is why politicians and country leaders have such a difficult job, because people never want to look at the big picture. This Christmas season, however, you celebrate or don't remember to look beyond your comfort zone and show some love and kindness to someone else!
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Fred
Monday, December 21, 2009
Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 35
Good Morning World!
What a wonderful and interesting weekend we had. The hope of God's amazing blessings abound! A friend and I went to Grand Fall's to buy a few gifts for our wives that we couldn't find in town, and at our first stop the rear window of my van blew out when we shut our doors! It was completely shocking. Being Saturday we couldn't find any place that could help. LORD willing (in Jesus' Name), our local glass shop will be able to fix it at a "Christmas Deal".
Then this morning reading Psalm 35, I am again completely amazed at God's ability to give us a scripture for our circumstance! Have you ever felt persecuted, misused, treated badly, backed into a corner? Then this chapter is for you! Jesus is our great and righteous judge, and it behooves us to cry out to Him for judgement! Our case is being set up by the enemy, and we see it so we must call for a miss trial and put the blame back on the enemy. We must cry out for the mercy of God, and see what blessing He has in store.
Just one more thought before we sign off. The only way the Jesus can give us a blessing is if something bad happens first! The only way Jesus can heal us is if we first get sick! The only way Jesus can raise the dead is if first we die! So, don't get all twisted in knots just because something bad happens. It may just be Jesus getting ready to bless you with showers from heaven!
Yours for Christ's righteous Judgement,
Pastor Fred
What a wonderful and interesting weekend we had. The hope of God's amazing blessings abound! A friend and I went to Grand Fall's to buy a few gifts for our wives that we couldn't find in town, and at our first stop the rear window of my van blew out when we shut our doors! It was completely shocking. Being Saturday we couldn't find any place that could help. LORD willing (in Jesus' Name), our local glass shop will be able to fix it at a "Christmas Deal".
Then this morning reading Psalm 35, I am again completely amazed at God's ability to give us a scripture for our circumstance! Have you ever felt persecuted, misused, treated badly, backed into a corner? Then this chapter is for you! Jesus is our great and righteous judge, and it behooves us to cry out to Him for judgement! Our case is being set up by the enemy, and we see it so we must call for a miss trial and put the blame back on the enemy. We must cry out for the mercy of God, and see what blessing He has in store.
Just one more thought before we sign off. The only way the Jesus can give us a blessing is if something bad happens first! The only way Jesus can heal us is if we first get sick! The only way Jesus can raise the dead is if first we die! So, don't get all twisted in knots just because something bad happens. It may just be Jesus getting ready to bless you with showers from heaven!
Yours for Christ's righteous Judgement,
Pastor Fred
Friday, December 18, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 34
Good Morning Snowy World!
When I went cleaning this morning I was greeted with a wonderful layer of soft powdery snow! As it is still coming down I'd say we are in for a few inches or more. I really like this kind of snow. It's easy to shovel for one thing, and it quickly covers up the dirty fall ground. This gives one a sense of purity, and that is exactly what Jesus and His righteousness does for us! It covers us so others can't see what a great big job of cleaning Jesus is doing on the inside! Thank you Jesus for your Holy Spirit working in us and through us!
December 18, 2009 (Church Christmas Party Day!)
Psalm 34
Another wonderful Psalm that reminds us about the blessing of "Fearing the Lord." I don't mean that we are scared of Him. Rather, we are completely yielded, trusting, reverent, and in love with Him. "The Fear of the Lord" is a big part of being a true follower of Jesus Christ. It is what keeps us on the straight and narrow. It is what teaches right from wrong. It is what gives us the courage to help the weary strangers. It is what protects us during our travels. "The Fear of the Lord" is something we ought to always be trying to teach our children, for it will give them great wisdom as the mature into adults. The Scripture does say, "The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom!" So, if you are not feeling very wise these days and are facing some life changing decisions remember to put your trust in the Lord and fear Him. He will direct you down the right path!
Yours in the Fear of the Lord,
Pastor Fred
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Daily Bible Reading -- Psalm 33
Good Morning world!
I pray that this season, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, becomes a beacon of hope and peace in your life!
December 17, 2009
Psalm 33
This chapter is all about the blessing of praise and worship. This morning when I finished cleaning at one of my contracts around 6:30am I noticed the clouds had gone. I just stopped in the silence of the morning and looked up and the glory of the starry heavens. Truly the heavens declare the glory of God. All I could do was worship for a moment there in the parking lot.
I get this same feel when I read this chapter. It's as if David is having a moment of stillness in a life of turmoil. He's caught a glimpse of God's glory and just can't hold it in!
Yours for Worship,
Pastor Fred
I pray that this season, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, becomes a beacon of hope and peace in your life!
December 17, 2009
Psalm 33
This chapter is all about the blessing of praise and worship. This morning when I finished cleaning at one of my contracts around 6:30am I noticed the clouds had gone. I just stopped in the silence of the morning and looked up and the glory of the starry heavens. Truly the heavens declare the glory of God. All I could do was worship for a moment there in the parking lot.
I get this same feel when I read this chapter. It's as if David is having a moment of stillness in a life of turmoil. He's caught a glimpse of God's glory and just can't hold it in!
Yours for Worship,
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 32
Good Morning World! It's another mild day in Springdale, Newfoundland, and will probably rain a bit today, and then snow the rest of the week! No complaints though, this is winter in paradise!
I've recently started using as my home page, and the many gadgets available do make my mornings a little easier. For example this post is being sent right from the (my account) home page. Oh, how technology has advanced since the 80's!
Now for the days scripture...
December 16, 2009
Psalm 32
This chapter is all about a time in David's life when he made a mistake, and needs consolation from God.
One thing I notice right away is the beginning and end are all about praising the fact the God is righteous, merciful and compassionate to those who are willing to avail of His goodness! David had been sulking, crying and generally having a pity party. (If you don't believe me just read the chapter, and you'll soon see that he was an emotional wreck over what he did.)
Next we see that David and God are having a conversation, and God is instructing David how to avail of the mercy and compassion. There is something special about listening and conversing to your maker! Jesus really does care about you that much that he is willing to take time to talk to you! Open your heart, mind and Bible and listen to the voice of the Spirit.
Yours for a forgiving relationship with Jesus,
Pastor Fred
I've recently started using as my home page, and the many gadgets available do make my mornings a little easier. For example this post is being sent right from the (my account) home page. Oh, how technology has advanced since the 80's!
Now for the days scripture...
December 16, 2009
Psalm 32
This chapter is all about a time in David's life when he made a mistake, and needs consolation from God.
One thing I notice right away is the beginning and end are all about praising the fact the God is righteous, merciful and compassionate to those who are willing to avail of His goodness! David had been sulking, crying and generally having a pity party. (If you don't believe me just read the chapter, and you'll soon see that he was an emotional wreck over what he did.)
Next we see that David and God are having a conversation, and God is instructing David how to avail of the mercy and compassion. There is something special about listening and conversing to your maker! Jesus really does care about you that much that he is willing to take time to talk to you! Open your heart, mind and Bible and listen to the voice of the Spirit.
Yours for a forgiving relationship with Jesus,
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Daily Bible Reading - Psalm 31
Good Morning World!
Well, I'm back. It's been a crazy weekend, and something really amazing happened! But, first let me shout! "God Is Good All The Time!"
I've been working on buying a business (a local office supply and print shop) for the past few months, and Friday was the day that our local Community Business Development Corporation had their meeting to see if they would fund this venture. I we waited almost impatiently all weekend, and when I called in on Monday morning the news was exciting! They accepted our proposal and granted us our loan! It is so wonderful when God's people work together with God to accomplish his will! I will keep you updated as to how God bless us through this business, and how we will be able to bless the Church and community!
Now to our Bible Reading.....
December 15, 2009
Psalm 31
It is amazing how the Word of God fits into our lives perfectly. Especially if we will yield ourselves to Jesus and let Him guide our every step! This chapter completely encompasses everything I went through this past few months.
We must put our trust in Jesus and let Him do His will in our lives! When we surrender to His will and learn to follow the prompting of the Spirit He will lead us into much blessing!
We will have to work hard, and may have some sleepless night, but the Will of God is the best place to put yourself. It will give you peace, joy and contentment! What could be better than that!
Yours for Trusting in Jesus
Pastor Fred
Well, I'm back. It's been a crazy weekend, and something really amazing happened! But, first let me shout! "God Is Good All The Time!"
I've been working on buying a business (a local office supply and print shop) for the past few months, and Friday was the day that our local Community Business Development Corporation had their meeting to see if they would fund this venture. I we waited almost impatiently all weekend, and when I called in on Monday morning the news was exciting! They accepted our proposal and granted us our loan! It is so wonderful when God's people work together with God to accomplish his will! I will keep you updated as to how God bless us through this business, and how we will be able to bless the Church and community!
Now to our Bible Reading.....
December 15, 2009
Psalm 31
It is amazing how the Word of God fits into our lives perfectly. Especially if we will yield ourselves to Jesus and let Him guide our every step! This chapter completely encompasses everything I went through this past few months.
We must put our trust in Jesus and let Him do His will in our lives! When we surrender to His will and learn to follow the prompting of the Spirit He will lead us into much blessing!
We will have to work hard, and may have some sleepless night, but the Will of God is the best place to put yourself. It will give you peace, joy and contentment! What could be better than that!
Yours for Trusting in Jesus
Pastor Fred
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 30
Good Morning World! I don't know about your wind today, but ours has a feeling of snow. I hope and pray that your weather is good and that no one will be harmed in any storm to come this Christmas Season.

December 10, 2009
Psalm 30
This morning I would like to talk about the attitude that I felt came across, while reading this conversation between David and God. It wasn't so much what I read and how it made me feel.

We all have moments when we feel invincible. We are in control. Everything is going our way. We are on top of the world. David said it like this, "I shall not be moved." We are so fickle and vain sometimes that when everything is going our way we can no longer see the big picture. We forget from whence we came, and we become emboldened by our good fortune.
David seems to be showing us that we will all have ups and downs in life. There will be times when we feel vulnerable, and times when nothing can move us. The main thing we need to remember and focus on throughout our entire life, and through every circumstance is that we are made to worship Jesus our Lord and Saviour!
Today you may feel like your the main man or woman - worship Jesus anyway!
Tomorrow you may feel like you are at the bottom of the barrel - worship Jesus anyway!
We are His creation, and He will take care of us, so don't fret over the things of today. Rather, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be add unto you!
Your for a day of Worship,
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 29
Good Morning World! A special shout out to all the cities in our visiting souls ticker! A special shout out to South Africa! We have seen over 200 visitors from your fair land! May God bless you all!
Remember, God is good All the time!
December 9, 2009
Psalm 29
I have studied the "beauty of Holiness" issue a number of times during my time as a Christian and Pastor. There are many different thoughts, and ideas on how it all works, and yet this morning when reading this chapter again a different thought occurred to me.
"What if the beauty part of this holiness issue is a complete transparency between you and Jesus?"
Now that would be beautiful! Imagine a time of worship where you and Jesus have no secrets, no cares, no worries, no problems. There is only trust, faith, fellowship, love and communication. that my friend would be beautiful!
If we would let our inhibition, fears, failures, past, and chains be stripped from us by the Holy Spirit. If we would get over ourselves, and not be concerned about what other people will think of us. If we would just worship Jesus with absolute honesty and transparency. This worship would be a work of beauty in true holiness!
How do we get holiness? First we must realize that we are nothing, and that our righteousness if as filthy rags. Then we must go to the source of all true holiness - Jesus our Lord and Saviour. His Spirit must live inside of us, work through us, and be visible in our actions, words and lifestyle. This is the only way to have any possibility of true holiness.
Mix an experience with the Holy Spirit with true honesty and transparency and you will have a recipe for something of true beauty!
Yours for true beauty and true holiness!
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 28
Good Morning World! I hope you find yourself well on this brisk morning.
December 8, 2009
Psalm 28
There is much praise and worship in this chapter as per usual for David the Psalmist, however, I would like to note a few verses that are so much about praise, but rather letting God be God.
As a follower of Jesus Christ and a Child of God we should know that God takes care of us. We should also know that God will take care of us more so when we stop worrying about our circumstances and start letting God worry about it. Scripture says it this way: "Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you."
One thing we don't do, which David did very well in this chapter is give this enemies circumstances to God. So many times we try to take matters into our own hands, and deal with the enemies personally. This should not be! If God can take care of you, don't you think He can also take care of, and reward your enemy for his deeds? Stop trying to control everything in your life. Stop trying to get even with those who hurt you. Rather, get yourself to a prayer closet and pray yourself into a frame of mind that can forgive your enemy, and let God handle the rest! "Vengeance is mine, Sayeth the Lord, I will repay!"
Don't let what your enemy is doing get you all twisted in a knot. Give it to Jesus! Just think of the song "What a Friend we have in Jesus". We often forfeit much peace because we don't give it all to Jesus!
Have a blessed forgiving day!
Pastor Fred
Monday, December 07, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 26 & 27
Greetings World, Brothers and Sisters in this fine December morning! God Is Good All the Time!
Another busy weekend, that the good Lord brought us through. Clowning, Power Hour, Sunday Service, Senior Home Service and some over-time work at the day job made for another weekend I didn't get to stay home much and be with the family. Albeit, Ethan my oldest, spent Sunday afternoon with me making my rounds. That was nice.
That said, here is both Psalm 26 & 27 thoughts from Sunday and Monday.
December 6, 2009
Psalm 26
This is an interesting Psalm, because it provokes an idea that isn't often discussed in Christian circles. What thought is that? Well, if you would read this chapter you'll find out that David is having a discussion with God about his righteousness. (That is David's righteousness) We always preach that we don't have any righteousness, and should never claim to have any. Yet, David is blatantly declaring that he is innocence.
I think that there may be a reason behind David's self assurance of salvation. He knew his relationship with God was genuine, and that he was living according to the laws of God. Therefore, he felt justified saying that he was innocent and righteous. At the same time it would seem that David found himself in a situation that he felt wasn't justified as he was following the will of God.
See, there are times in our lives when things happen that we just don't understand, and feel are just not right. It is during these times that we begin to question God and orate about our own goodness. Yet, the whole time God is just trying to teach us a simple lesson if we would only stop and take time to learn it.
Finally, I like what David says in the last verse, "My foot stands in an even place: in the congregations will I bless the Lord!" In other words David found his true source of innocence and righteousness - the Lord his God!
December 7, 2009
Psalm 27
Here we have another Psalm of praise and trust. It is a wonderful thing to trust, and know without the shadow of a doubt that you will be taken care of! It can be difficult to trust people at times, but let me assure you that Jesus is someone who can be trusted. Not only can you trust Jesus with your salvation, but you can also trust Him with your life! David understood the value of trust, and leaned on God on every occasion. (Please note that on the rare occasion David didn't lean on God he regretted it for the rest of his life!) When we learn to completely trust in God He will hide us in the secret place of His Pavilion and no one will find or harm you!
Have a blessed day!
Pastor Fred
Friday, December 04, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 25
Good Morning World! Good Morning Brothers and Sisters! May the Lord of Peace lead and guide you today!
December 4, 2009
Psalm 25
Another common Psalm, which has a couple verses put to music. Yet while reading a couple of different verses caught my attention.
Vs. 10 -- This is another verse that describes God's relationship with mankind. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth! And, oh, wouldn't we love to stop reading right there! So, often we read only those parts that we want to, or that make us feel good. Yet, if we would finish the verse a door of understanding would be opened to us.
"...unto those who keep his covenant and his testimonies!"
This is the part we don't want to read! We don't want to have to follow someone else's ideals or rules and commands, but if we truly love and follow Jesus Christ, and have His Spirit within us we will not begrudge this. We will want to follow and obey!
Vs. 14 -- "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show then his covenant." This verse explains vs 10 in part. If we want to know how to follow the covenant of Jesus then we need to love, obey, reverence, serve and follow Him. He is a loving and gracious God, and will lead and guide us into all truth!
May your day be blessed, and may you love and serve Jesus always!
Pastor Fred
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 23 & 24
Good Morning World! Good Morning Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Yesterday was our first real snow day! Over 30 cm or 12 inches of snow fell in the night! We've had a few dustings of snow this fall, however, it has been relatively mild, and then the barometer flipped upside down and the cold wind blew down from the north!
Needless to say my morning yesterday was a little cramped for time, so I am going to include yesterdays reading with this mornings. God Bless.
December 2 & 3 2009
Psalm 23
As this is commonly called the Shepherd Psalm one can't help but feel extra secure after reading this chapter. Just knowing that Jesus is our shepherd watching out for us, and directing our path is a great comfort! Sometimes I wonder why I'm travelling the road that I'm on, but when I look back and see the blessing I've gained and the curses I've missed all I can do is praise Him!
Trust in Jesus and rest in His unchanging, unfailing arms!
Psalm 24
We've all heard songs taken from this chapter, and what a great worship song this Psalm makes! How well it goes with Psalm 23 too! Who better to be our shepherd than the one who owns the whole earth? Here we have another illustration of God's greatness and expectations of humanity. The question is raised as to how it will be possible to get into the presence of the Almighty, not just where we are, but rather where He is. The answer is very instructive: Those who have clean hands (don't sin outwardly), a clean heart (don't sin inwardly), no arrogance or pride, nor someone who has deceived another. A person with this resume will be a direct recipient of God's favor and blessings!
My next and final point is to ask another question. Who is able to attain to this tall order? The answer is very simple - NO ONE! That is why again I say - Look to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith! Without Him we are nothing, and can do nothing good. However, with and in Christ we can do all things!
I can be sinless inside and out through the salvation that Jesus Christ offers! I can live above the curse of sin through the infilling of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ living within me! I can overcome all sin that would come against me through the Name Of Jesus Christ that was put on me in Baptism when my sins were remitted!
If you would like to find this same peace and joy please call on Jesus today! If you need some spiritual guidance please email or call!
Have a great day!
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 22
Good Morning World! God is Great and Greatly to be Praised!

December 1, 2009
Psalm 22
What a fitting Psalm to read on the first day of advent! I realize it doesn't have anything to do with the birth of the Saviour but it does have everything to do with the reason he came, and the purpose that he was born - His death and resurrection.

I wonder how Jehovah put this song in David's heart and soul,
because as a song writer myself I know that a truly affective song comes from experience. Maybe, God put the same feelings upon David that Christ would have over 2,000 years later. Using this thought process leads me to another conclusion. When we go through a dark time in our life is God allowing us to feel what Jesus felt, so we can better understand the victory that He fought for on Calvary? If you'll notice most of the chapter is the despair of a broken soul. Yet, in the end there is nothing but rejoicing at the salvation of the Lord! There is an anthem that all people will praise God for what Christ Jesus went through!
The next time you find yourself in a dark place pick of the scriptures, read Psalm 22 and rejoice because God has given you an opportunity to feel a little piece of what Jesus went through for your sins!
Yours for victory over sin!
Pastor Fred
Monday, November 30, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 21
Well, it is another great morning here on the great Island of Newfoundland. (At least in our part anyway!) The wind is blowing a small gale, the clouds are rolling in, and one can feel a little chill in the air again. The mild weather may soon be gone, but God is Good All the Time!
November 30, 2009
Psalm 21
This is a great chapter for leadership. People in positions of charge, command or oversight need to know that they can have God on their side. Sometimes as leaders we feel all alone, and we don't have anyone around that we can lean on. When we put our trust in Jesus his salvation, love and guidance are always there! He is here to hear our prayer, petitions and supplications. He is here to protect, save and keep us.
Leaders learn to rejoice in the strength of Jesus that is in you through the Holy Spirit. (If you do not have the Holy Spirit with in you read Acts 2 and find a preacher who preaches full truth to guide you in preparation of the heart to receive it.) Leaders learn to rejoice in the Salvation that Jesus brings every single day!
Jesus will find out your enemies before they strike. Jesus will destroy their plans before they have a chance to destroy you. Jesus will make sure you have the tools you need to lead effectively. Our part is to lift Him up. Our honor is to Exalt Jesus openly! Our glory is to give Jesus all the glory. So, swallow your pride and give Jesus some praise. Trust me it will be well worth it!
Have a blessed day!
Pastor Fred
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 20
Good Morning! It is another fine Sunday Morning. A bit damp and duckish, but all the same its nice! May you be blessed in you encounter with Jesus today!
November 29, 2009
Psalm 20
There seems to be an underlying theme in Chapter 20. One that surfaces a number of times. This theme is: "The Name of God".
The Name of God is our Defense....
The Name of God is our Salvation...
The Name of God is our Strength...
I personally have used the Name of God, which is JESUS on a number of occasions, and have seen that it truly is my defense, salvation, and strength. Why? Because when you use the Name you are invoking the one who owns the name!
A crazy dog attacked - "In Jesus Name Leave!" and the dog whimpered away!
In a vehicle, and loosing control - "JESUS" and we gain control, and continue on our way!
Many applications can be found for using the NAME of our God, which is JESUS!
We pray in Jesus Name.
We Repent in Jesus Name.
We Baptize in Jesus Name.
We receive the Holy Spirit of Jesus in Jesus Name.
We bless our daily food in Jesus Name.
As another scripture states: Whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus!
So as you get ready for day, do be afraid to us the Name of Jesus as your defense, salvation and/or strength!
Yours for the NAME
Pastor Fred
Friday, November 27, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 19
Good Morning!It is warm, misty, foggy and it doesn't feel like November 27th! I am sure we will soon get a very large amount of snow without much warning, but thank God for the Hiatus in the mean time.

November 27, 2009
Psalm 19

Here we have another lengthy song, and there is much on
e can learn and glean from this Chapter. Let us look at just a couple.
1. The Heavens Declare the Glory of God! I am always
filled with wonder and awe when I take a
stroll through the country, forest or marsh lands it is always so dependent, perfect and serene. Then on a clear night when I look up into a star filled sky and I begin to find the constellations and see an arm of our Milky Way it almost takes my bre
ath away at the Glory of God! If you ever feel alone and forgotten just take a walk in a wood or take a look up into the clear night sky and you will know the God Loves you!

2. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O
Lord my strength and my redeemer! If we can learn to keep our minds on Jesus. If we can learn to look around, beyond or even through our troubles just to get a glimpse of the Saviour; o how different our days would be! Keeping your mind stayed on Jesus will help you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will be a different person.
Finally, notice that these happen to be the first and last verses of this chapter. Let you day begin and end with Jesus! Let your day continue with Jesus! Let the great God of the universe be by your side all the day through. Once you begin to do this you will soon recognize Him in many things throughout your daily life!
For a life with Jesus
Pastor Fred
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 18
Good Morning!
November 26, 2009
Psalm 18
This chapter is filled with visions of salvation. The need for salvation arises because we have so many ups and downs in our lives, and we have a great need for stability. David, a man of war, finds himself in many difficult situations that he can't find a way out of. Rather than give up he always turns to his true source of strength and victory - God!
Too often we constantly rely on ourselves, and never give God the chance to save us! We are so self reliant, proud and independent that we will not accept assistance from anyone or anywhere.
Jesus is a God who cares about you, your live, your situations and your problems. He is as close as the mention of His name! Don't ever be afraid to call on Him for help, or on any one of His true followers! No one is ever completely independent from everyone else!
David a man of great military expertise and experience need help quite often, and he always called on God. As note in our chapter today, David made reference to the fact that God gave him strength to jump over a wall, and when completely surrounded he found the strength to run through a whole troupe or battalion of soldiers!
Jesus - The Horn of Our Salvation - is never far away! Stay faithful, true, righteous, upright and merciful and you will find the He is very willing to defend you. However, if you tend to be a bit on the froward, selfish, not God fearing, unteachable side of things then you may find that God is a bit more like the awesome, terrible descriptions that can be found.
Call on Jesus He's right there!
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 17
Good Morning Again! God is good All the Time!

November 25, 2009
Psalm 17
There is a lot of thoughts, truth and lessons that could be drawn from this prayer of David, however, one particular phrase caught my attention. This phrase really will keep us from much pain, trouble and sorrow in our lives; because we are our own worst enemy!

Wow! What a life lesson! What a goal! What a lifestyle!
If we could just purpose in our minds, and live our lives with this goal in our minds everyday I wonder what would happen? It would literally change our lives, actions and situations. A vast majority of the court cases in our countries that deal with people suing each other would be resolved outside of court simply because our mouth gets us in trouble. Rather than being wise and quiet we like being a fool and noisy! Proverbs shows us that even a fool is considered wise when he keeps his mouth shut!
I challenge you today to purpose in your heart and mind that you will not transgress God, others or yourself with your mouth. If you can't find something constructive to say - zip it! Use your voice to build not destroy. Use your voice for Worship and praise instead of hate and disrespect.
Let everyone know without saying a word that you Love God and respect others!
Yours for a new purpose
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion
Good Morning!
November 24, 2009
Psalm 16
One of the main things that caught my attention this morning was the title: Michtam of David.
This term seems to be a musical style or description that is only found in a handful of Psalms. On top of that this Psalm is also a prophecy about Jesus Christ the Messiah. How interesting that David chose a specific type of music to sing about the Messiah!
When we worship our Lord and Saviour not just any music will do! We need to find Spirit filled, worship enhancing, prayerful music that will lead us to the anointed throne of God!
Don't get me wrong there is a lot of great Christian music , but not all of it is worth connecting to God with. When I am trying to connect to Jesus there is some music I will not listen to, on the other hand there is some great anointed music out there that will take you by the hand and walk you right up the the throne of God!
Let the chief song writer, David, teach us a lesson in music that leads to worship!
Yours for a Blessed Worship Experience today,
Pastor Fred
Monday, November 23, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion
Good Morning on this crisp slightly snowy November morning!

Before we get into this chapter, I'd like to note that Psalms is a very pertinent book to any generation, as it is a series of God inspired poetry. Poetry always comes from the heart, and explains the emotions of humanity in a musical understandable manner. When reading the Psalms try to connect with the writers spirit. The experience will be much more meaningful to you.
November 23, 2009
Psalm 15

The Question is raised, "Who will live in the presence of God, and enjoy the benefits of His Kingdom?"
The Answer is given: Those who -
- Walk Uprightly
- Work Righteousness
- Speak the Truth / Live the Truth
- Contemn the Vile Person
- Honor those who fear God
- Doesn't Put out His money to usery (takes interest for profit)
- Doesn't take a bribe against the innocent
- Doesn't Backbight (gossip / Degrade others reputation)
- Doesn't Do Evil to his neighbor
- Doesn't reproach His Neighbor
- Swears to their own hurt
- Doesn't Change in spite of Adversity
The Person who follows these ideals shall never be moved!
If we ever have trouble doing these things we need to get a hold of Jesus and pray through until we get the victory over our problems!
Yours for living in the Presence of God
Pastor Fred
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion
Good Morning on this wonderful snowy November Morning!
November 22, 2009
Psalm 14
Here we find the famous quote, 'The Fool has said in his heart, "There is No God."' From this statement this poem seems to look into the lifestyle of those who deny the existence of God. They tend to be wicked, immoral, careless, and don't care much about the well being of others.
God forbid that we become so self absorbed that we no longer think about the God of creation and salvation. Oh, that we would rejoice and be glad, for He has taken us out of darkness and captivity and brought us into His marvelous light! May this truth give us reason to share the love of God to all who are around us. Especially those who are in need!
Yours for Jesus
Pastor Fred
Friday, November 20, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

November 20, 2009
Psalm 13
Many times we have bad days, and our thoughts are quite depressing. We feel that the whole world is against us, and they owe us for some unknown reason.
Yet, there is hope! A light at the end of the proverbial tunnel! If we trust in Jesus our Saviour, we can rejoice! We can burst forth in song, because our God is good all the time, and he had dealt bountifully with us!
Have a blessed day!
Pastor Fred
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion
Good Morning!

November 19, 2009
Psalm 12

Sometimes it may seem that this evil world is on the winning side, but Jesus our Lord will
rescue, and
deliver us if we will stay faithful no matter the cost.
We may feel alone, but our God always has a "faithful few" and we can rest assured that He takes care of His own!
Contend for the faith, and don't let this wicked world turn you away from Jesus and His love!
Have a blessed day!
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Daily Bible Reading & Devotion
(Good Morning. Here is something new I'm going to try and make a habit from now until the new year. So, that in the new year I can bring this into full swing. Below is a Chapter I've read this morning and some thoughts that came to mind about it. Grab your Bible or go to to read along!)
November 18, 2009
Daily Reading & Thought
Psalm 11
1) It is of utmost importance that we put our trust in God, and serve Him in Righteousness. For, without His love and guidance where would we be?
2) the wicked and unrighteous are on God's watch list! He will deal with them in His time, and will avenge all the wickedness they have done to the righteous!
We must trust in the Lord and shun the wicked, for the Lord's face shines on the upright!
Have a great day!
Hope this blesses you.
We'll see you tomorrow - Lord willing!
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Rebuke the Distraction!
Greetings in Jesus' Name!
It's been awhile, and much has happened since our last conversation. I feel very strongly that I have a word from God for someone.
I was just reading Psalm 5 as part of my daily Bible reading. As my habit has become I write notes on every chapter I read. Helps me remember what I read, and what message the Lord gave me as I read a particular chapter.
Tonight as I read a very strong impression of overcoming distraction was placed upon me. For, me this is a definite word, and I will claim it, receive it and live it in Jesus' Name!
However, I was directed to write this little note to help someone. Your life has been busy. Your job is overtaking you. You haven't had time to talk to Jesus. You feel like you are overcome by your present circumstance!
Rebuke your distraction in Jesus' Name! Find you prayer closet. Get to the prayer room at the House of God. Lock yourself in your room. Name you distractions, and rebuke them in Jesus' Name! Read Psalm 5, and put your trust in Jesus! Remember you love for the Name of God-Jesus! Remember that there is nothing as important as living in the righteousness of God, and get the victory over you circumstance! You may feel defeated, but Jesus is on your side! The enemy may be scheming against you, but his plans will fall to pieces! Trust, Live and Love Jesus again! You will find that your God will lead you through!
Rebuke the Distraction, Put your trust in Jesus and leave the rest up to God!
Yours for freedom,
Pastor Fred
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Cry of the Heart
Have you ever had something, a thought, idea, person, circumstance, etc, on your mind that just drove you to cry out? Have you ever been driven to cry out to Jesus? There are so many different places that our lives go, often we face "the valley" and must cry out for help, solace, comfort, direction, and/or deliverance. Let me tell you; Jesus is the Good Shepherd and he will be there for you, and will take care of you while you experience your circumstance!
Having said all this, I must admit that my heart has a cry right now, and has for quite some time. I've had a burden burning with in me, and it will not let me go! And, for that I thank God!
Part 1) I have been extremely dissatisfied with my relationship with Jesus, and have been experiencing an emotion much akin to anxiety about soul winning and reaching the lost souls around me everyday! Again, I thank God for it!
You have possibly mistaken my testimony as a complaint rather this is not a complaint, but is a desire, and passion to do more for my Saviour and God Jesus! I do not complain that I have a cry in my heart to God, I welcome it, and long for it to grow in me and develope in to something of beauty and wonder!
If we ever lose our passion for souls we have condemned the world to hell and are quite possibly heading down that road ourselves! Don't ever lose your passion for the lost, and constantly allow Jesus to work through you to become the beacon of light that this lost and desperate world needs!
Part 2) I have a burden upon my heart to have a closer, more powerful, more intimate, more direct relationship with Jesus. I don't want to just be a son, or servant, but I want to be a friend of God! I want to know Jesus better than I know my wife! I want to know Jesus better than I know myself! I want to know Jesus better than anything else in this life!
The one thing that I feel has come out of this so far is a deeper, more consistant, time of Daily Bible Reading. It has been a wonder period of growth for me. I purchased a diary type note book that has attachable tabs and a place for date on each page. In this book I have been writing notes on each chapter I read each day, and this had helped me to look forward to the experience every day!
Again I welcome this cry of the heart, and hope I never lose the desire to be at one with Jesus. If it means quiting a job or two to make more room for Jesus in my life and family so be it! I want and need Jesus more than anything in this mortal life!
What is your heart crying for?
Are you crying for more of Jesus?
Maybe you should be!
Your for more of Jesus
Pastor Fred
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The book of Hebrews
Good day folks!
Well, I just finished reading Hebrews today. What an interesting book of the Bible; God's Word. There are so many points to ponder that it would fill a whole volume to discuss them all!
I would like to mention one.
In Chapter 12 we have the verse that says: Lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us.
I would like to point something out that may help someone in their trials and temptations.
Notice it says that the weights and sins easily beset us, get us down, drag us around in the dirt of life. They easily beset us because they aren't things that we definitly wouldn't do. The "big" sins aren't a problem to us, and so they will not tempt us. However, the little things in life have a tendence to weigh us down, and lead us down the path of sin. Too, much time on the computer could be your problem. Gossiping on the phone could be your down fall. Watching too much TV or Movies could cause you to slip. There are many everyday things that we can allow to weigh us down, which we often don't think about, but it is those little things that will keep you out of heaven's promise!
Don't let the little lies, little gossips, little games keep you away from the word of God, work of God, house of God, and your prayer and bible study life!
Your's for the sake of the little things!
Pastor Fred
Monday, August 17, 2009
Standing for Truth
I've just been reading an interesting article online, about a bold young lady who has become a politician in the United States, all because she took a stand for what she felt was right.
Rep. Michele Bachmann
In the article the writer describes the `persecution` that Mrs. Bachmann is receiving because of her strong stand against the wrongs of the Federal Government.
This reminds me of the Stand that each Christian must take each and every day!
It is imperative that we stand for truth, no matter what this world things. People are becoming so liberal and socially minded that truth doesn`t seem to matter anymore!
Truth is truth no matter if anyone believes!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! This will be the truth supposing the whole world turns their back, and God has to burn this whole planet with fire and brimstone!
I encourage you to stand! When you`ve done everything else for God, continue to STAND, and take up the whole armor of God!
Yours for the Stand,
Pastor Fred
Rep. Michele Bachmann
In the article the writer describes the `persecution` that Mrs. Bachmann is receiving because of her strong stand against the wrongs of the Federal Government.
This reminds me of the Stand that each Christian must take each and every day!
It is imperative that we stand for truth, no matter what this world things. People are becoming so liberal and socially minded that truth doesn`t seem to matter anymore!
Truth is truth no matter if anyone believes!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! This will be the truth supposing the whole world turns their back, and God has to burn this whole planet with fire and brimstone!
I encourage you to stand! When you`ve done everything else for God, continue to STAND, and take up the whole armor of God!
Yours for the Stand,
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Slow Down!
Good day folks!
I hope the sun and the Son are shining down on you today!
Well, I've been sick for a few days, and it's really made me realize that I need to slow down a bit and take a break! I work full time, have a janitorial contract on the side, my buddy and I go clowning most weekends during the summer, and on top of that God has placed us as Pastor of the Sanctuary of Truth in Springdale, Newfoundland! On top of that I am a husband and the father of 4 wonderful children with one in the "oven" so to speak!
Folks take heed to some hard learned wisdom from a young preacher and business owner!
Don't work yourself to death! Life is too short, and people are too precious and your family is too valuable! Working so long is not worth loosing your life and family over! Take a break, read a book, go to the beach with your family, relax! You won't be any good to Jesus if you are flat on your back because you wore yourself out!
Slow down!
Have a great day!
Pastor Fred
I hope the sun and the Son are shining down on you today!
Well, I've been sick for a few days, and it's really made me realize that I need to slow down a bit and take a break! I work full time, have a janitorial contract on the side, my buddy and I go clowning most weekends during the summer, and on top of that God has placed us as Pastor of the Sanctuary of Truth in Springdale, Newfoundland! On top of that I am a husband and the father of 4 wonderful children with one in the "oven" so to speak!
Folks take heed to some hard learned wisdom from a young preacher and business owner!
Don't work yourself to death! Life is too short, and people are too precious and your family is too valuable! Working so long is not worth loosing your life and family over! Take a break, read a book, go to the beach with your family, relax! You won't be any good to Jesus if you are flat on your back because you wore yourself out!
Slow down!
Have a great day!
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Our Senses are dead!
Last night in our community one of the Banks had their alarm go off. This in itself may not seem to extraordinary, exept for the fact that it was still going the next moring when I wrote this post! The alarm has been going for about 12 hours straight so far, and probably will continue for another 3 hours when the Bank opens and the staff return! There are many questions as to why the bank manager and alarm company would allow this to happen, but that has nothing to do with this post!
Because the alarm has been going so long it has become a part of the background noise from the community, and you notice it, but don't really pay attention to it. The noise is trying to alert someone that something bad has happened or was attempted, but no one seems to care anymore, because it has been going for so long!
You know that is exact what seems to have happened with the Word of God, the Gospel, and the voice of Jesus!? We have heard the wonderful sound going out around the world for so long that the message of a saviour doesn't seem to affect us anymore! Jesus has knocked on the door of our heart so long that we don't even seem to notice that constant thud on the door anymore.
The end is coming upon us fast, and Jesus will be returning in physical form sooner than later, so stop and listen to the alarms around you trying to warn you of impending doom! Jesus loves you and doesn't want you to perish in the fire that will destroy this earth.
Stop and take a breath and realize that your life just isn't going anywhere! Call on the name of Jesus! Repent of your sins and turn from your wicked ways! Find someone to baptize you "In the Name of Jesus Christ for the REMISSION of your sins", and Jesus will come into your life and fill you with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the ernest of our inheritance!
Don't let the warnings of the preachers, the knocking of Jesus and the alarms of the signs of the time become background noise in your life! Wake up! Take action for the sake of your Soul!
Make sure you are ready to meet your maker!
Yours for awakened senses!
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Leaving your Promise because of the Famine!
I know many people who have traded in their promise from God, because of hardship, sickness, temptations, trials, distress, pain, and/or loss that has torn at the heart of their life.
In the Bible Abramhan and Sarah did the very same thing, and it just about cost them their lives and the lives of the nation of Egypt.
They were living in their promised land, doing the will of God, and then famine hit the Canaan land area. So instead of walking by faith and not by sight they picked up their bags and belongings and headed down to Egypt, which wasn't hit by famine. Egypt in scripture seems to have always been a type or allegory of sin or living in this world, and not in the Kingdom of Heaven; a type of worldliness, wickedness, ungodliness and so on. So, Abraham and Sarah left their promise, and went away from God's will to let the "world" and the pleasures of sin take care of their needs for the time being!
It is never appropriate to let this world supply our needs and pleasures no matter how short we say that we will stay! If we trust in Jesus and rely on his Word, staying true to his promises, commands and obey, then he will make sure the "people of this world" will take care of us!
While in Egypt Abraham was scared that he was going to die for the sake of Sarah his wife, because she was so beautiful! There is one reason NOT to go to Egypt if you ask me! So, they said that Sarah was his sister, and Pharaoh almost married her! God had to step in and just about destroy Egypt with a plague so that Abraham and Sarah would get back to His promise and will!
It never pays to leave the will of God just to sooth your pain and anguish! Jesus died on the cross for that very reason! We must learn to completely trust in Jesus for everything in our lives! Does that mean do nothing, and just sit around and wait? NO! NO! NO!
Jesus told us to obey his commandments, and to occupy until he comes! We must work, but we must work and pray will doing God's will and commandments, and living within the promises that he has given us! Each one of us probably has a different promise that God wants us to fulfill, and each one of us is unique in the sight of God, so we must not let what others are doing turn us aside from our spiritual promise!
Let us be like Joseph, who endured through the hardships, distresses, pain, anguish and loss so that he could fulfill God's will even though he couldn't see where God was going to take him! Joseph went from Daddy's favorite and God's little dreamer to a hurt, bruised boy at the bottom of a pit. He went from a pit to slavery. From slavery to seduction. From seduction to prison. From prison to dreams. From dreams to being the President of Egypt! Even in death Joseph was still living in God's promise and will by requesting to have his bones taken from Egypt and buried in the land that God had promised the nation of Israel!
Stick with Jesus he will see you through!
Yours through the famine,
Pastor Fred
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I have been feeling like I'm about to enter a stage in my life. Something important is going to happen to me.
Have you ever felt like you have been going through stages?
It's kind of like being a child. Each year you get older you seem to enter a new stage, and as you get older those stages get longer and longer.
Infant to Toddler
Child to Teenie-bopper
Young Adult
Adult hood.
However, once an adult the stages don't come so defined anymore.
It seems to come based on lessons in life to be learned.
I hope and pray I am ready for what Jesus has in store for my life!
"Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary!"
What stage are you in? Are you ready for the glory of God!?
Yours for Jesus
Have you ever felt like you have been going through stages?
It's kind of like being a child. Each year you get older you seem to enter a new stage, and as you get older those stages get longer and longer.
Infant to Toddler
Child to Teenie-bopper
Young Adult
Adult hood.
However, once an adult the stages don't come so defined anymore.
It seems to come based on lessons in life to be learned.
I hope and pray I am ready for what Jesus has in store for my life!
"Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary!"
What stage are you in? Are you ready for the glory of God!?
Yours for Jesus
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
What's New!?
Good Morning everyone!
I trust and pray that your summer is going great so far!
Well, this has been a very big year for me. In June I turned 30 years old!
For me this is a huge milestone, as any religious leader in scripture could not start their ministry until after age 30. Jesus didn't start his full time ministry until He was 30. In the old days one didn't usually get past apprentiship until after 30. So, to me this year is the beginning of great things!
I'll be honest, I didn't have trouble mentally turning 30. Not because I am now an "Old Man", because age doesn't matter that much to me, but rather it was the principle. I didn't feel like I had learnt enough, or accomplished enough in my life to move on to this stage in my life.
I got over that, and realized that it is Jesus who is working in, through, and for me! I am not my own, I have been bought with a price! I do look forward to see what great things Jesus has in store for me this year!
One thing that happened this year since June, and after my birthday. I was able to Baptize a soul! It has been a long time since I've baptized anyone, and I was excited! I look forward to baptizing more souls in the very near future!
One more thing.
Lately I've been very moved by some of our current events, and some newsletters that I've been receiving in my email.
1. News
Since hearing about Obama's Peace talks with Poutine in Russia, and their discussions on how to diminish the Nuclear warhead stockpiles; and the G8's talks about how to deal with the "Global Economy"; And Asia's suggestions to create a one world currency standard, I've really had a since that the end is near!
No, I'm not a dooms day sayer, but I do read my Bible, and many more signs of the end are coming to pass! Do not neglect your soul, for it may soon be too late!
I receive newsletters from a few soulwinning evangelists, and one Tim Downs, has been really challenging me to be a better soul winner! Where do you want to spent eternity? Heaven or Hell? If you want to be with Jesus in eternal glory then you must obey his command to Repent of your sins with a Godly Sorrow, you must speak the name of Jesus, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you will receive Jesus' gift of the Holy Spirit which will renovate you mind - you will become a child of God!
If you do not obey this simple reletively quick and very easy plan, you will NOT go to the place that Jesus has prepared for you!
Yours for a new year, the end of time, and winning souls
Pastor Fred
Friday, March 06, 2009
They will Fall
I have been reading Isaiah for awhile lately, and a thought occurred to me as I was reading. There is chapter after chapter of doom and gloom for many nations and kings, not just for Israel. It was after a few nations had been prophesied to destruction that I realized these are all nations who rose up in fame, power, glory and greed. These are all nations who because of their riches didn't put their trust in God. These are all nations who rose up against the children of God!
No for some heart searching questions:
1. Is it possible that nations rise and fall based upon their relationship with God?
If so my country could be in for a rude awakening! We have gotten so far from God it is getting scary.
2. Is it possible that nations are judged upon their treatment of God's people?
3. Is it possible that governments will be put to ruin because of the evil bills that they pass?
4. Is it possible that governments and nations could have greater prosperity if they turn back to God, and institute more righteousness in our schools, court rooms, and cabinet meetings?
These are questions that should seriously be thought about and a solution that brings us back to Jesus should be Implemented!
Yours for a closer walk with God,
Pastor Fred
No for some heart searching questions:
1. Is it possible that nations rise and fall based upon their relationship with God?
If so my country could be in for a rude awakening! We have gotten so far from God it is getting scary.
2. Is it possible that nations are judged upon their treatment of God's people?
3. Is it possible that governments will be put to ruin because of the evil bills that they pass?
4. Is it possible that governments and nations could have greater prosperity if they turn back to God, and institute more righteousness in our schools, court rooms, and cabinet meetings?
These are questions that should seriously be thought about and a solution that brings us back to Jesus should be Implemented!
Yours for a closer walk with God,
Pastor Fred
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How does God see us?
This is a very interest concept that maybe we don't wish to talk about, but while ready the first chapter of Isaiah it became very clear.
The setting is a country that is pretty much given to Idolatry, Selfish pleasure, wickedness, corrupt judgment, a deteriorating social system, and I think you get the picture. As a matter of fact if you think about this in the light of honesty and truth this picture can sum up many of our modern societies, even those who claim to be God fearing!
The situation is very dire. The people are worshiping God. They are attending their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly religious rites and rituals, but there is something missing, and because of that missing part God is telling them to stop all the rites and rituals.
It is a case of Sunday morning Christianity. During the week they are rebelling against everything God has asked of them, and requires of them. They cheat, steal, murder, slander, corrupt justice, and many other terrible actions. They don't care for their widows, orphans or anyone but themselves. The land is going desolate and they don't even seem to care!
Finally, God says what He sees when He looks down upon this wretched society He calls His Children. I will put the stunning description in my own words, but you can read it for yourself in Isaiah Chapter one.
"My people are like rotting corpses that are walking around. They have sores that are festering from the top of their head to the sole of their feet. They stink, and look monstrous. No one has bothered to cover up their wounds and bruises."
Sound pretty disgusting, and that is exactly what it is like to God - Disgusting!
Our lack of righteousness on the inside is so disturbing to God that He has to turn away. Have you ever seen the pictures and videos of the lepers and leper colonies? These poor people are being literally eaten to death by a disease that enjoys human flesh. It is pitiful, disgusting, smelly and plain gross! And yet that is exactly how Jesus looks at the sin in our lives! It is a spiritual disease that eats away at us, without even our knowledge sometimes. Many times we don't even know when our hand falls off, because the sickness has dulled the pain.
If you would finish the Chapter you'll be surprisingly happy to know that God doesn't leave us hanging or without hope. He offers us a bath and cleansing lotion that will not only clean us up, but also heal this wasting disease completely!
Isaiah 1:16-20
Just going to Church will not get you salvation. Just acting like a Christian on a special day each week will not ensure passage into Beulah land! It is a daily walk. It is a daily talk. It is a daily lifestyle of loving surrender and service to and for Jesus.
Don't forget that many times the more obvious vices and sins are not the most deadly to your soul!
Rather it is the vices and sins that are not so visible that will take you to a place of fire, torment, weeping, waling and gnashing of teeth!
Take care of your body it is the temple of the living God! Take care of your spirit it is the place of spiritual connection, communication and true worship between Jesus and you. Take care of your soul, for its emotional condition can cause much damage to your eternal well being.
Give yourself without abandon to Jesus and He will wash you, cleans you and make you whole again!
Yours for Christ in this earth and in you!
Pastor Fred
The setting is a country that is pretty much given to Idolatry, Selfish pleasure, wickedness, corrupt judgment, a deteriorating social system, and I think you get the picture. As a matter of fact if you think about this in the light of honesty and truth this picture can sum up many of our modern societies, even those who claim to be God fearing!
The situation is very dire. The people are worshiping God. They are attending their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly religious rites and rituals, but there is something missing, and because of that missing part God is telling them to stop all the rites and rituals.
It is a case of Sunday morning Christianity. During the week they are rebelling against everything God has asked of them, and requires of them. They cheat, steal, murder, slander, corrupt justice, and many other terrible actions. They don't care for their widows, orphans or anyone but themselves. The land is going desolate and they don't even seem to care!
Finally, God says what He sees when He looks down upon this wretched society He calls His Children. I will put the stunning description in my own words, but you can read it for yourself in Isaiah Chapter one.
"My people are like rotting corpses that are walking around. They have sores that are festering from the top of their head to the sole of their feet. They stink, and look monstrous. No one has bothered to cover up their wounds and bruises."
Sound pretty disgusting, and that is exactly what it is like to God - Disgusting!
Our lack of righteousness on the inside is so disturbing to God that He has to turn away. Have you ever seen the pictures and videos of the lepers and leper colonies? These poor people are being literally eaten to death by a disease that enjoys human flesh. It is pitiful, disgusting, smelly and plain gross! And yet that is exactly how Jesus looks at the sin in our lives! It is a spiritual disease that eats away at us, without even our knowledge sometimes. Many times we don't even know when our hand falls off, because the sickness has dulled the pain.
If you would finish the Chapter you'll be surprisingly happy to know that God doesn't leave us hanging or without hope. He offers us a bath and cleansing lotion that will not only clean us up, but also heal this wasting disease completely!
Isaiah 1:16-20
16 “ Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;My God and Saviour Jesus is so wonderful! Even though our present condition is absolutely appalling to Him, He still offers us a solution and a way of salvation. How merciful and kind. How loving and gracious!
Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
Cease to do evil,
17 Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Rebuke the oppressor;[a]
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow.
18 “ Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the LORD,
“ Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land;
20 But if you refuse and rebel,
You shall be devoured by the sword”;
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Just going to Church will not get you salvation. Just acting like a Christian on a special day each week will not ensure passage into Beulah land! It is a daily walk. It is a daily talk. It is a daily lifestyle of loving surrender and service to and for Jesus.
Don't forget that many times the more obvious vices and sins are not the most deadly to your soul!
Rather it is the vices and sins that are not so visible that will take you to a place of fire, torment, weeping, waling and gnashing of teeth!
Take care of your body it is the temple of the living God! Take care of your spirit it is the place of spiritual connection, communication and true worship between Jesus and you. Take care of your soul, for its emotional condition can cause much damage to your eternal well being.
Give yourself without abandon to Jesus and He will wash you, cleans you and make you whole again!
Yours for Christ in this earth and in you!
Pastor Fred
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Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets
Bible Studies/Videos I've been working on:
- 5 Steps To Free Your Mind
- God's Plan of Approach: A study of Tabernacle Furniture
- Importance and Necessity of Water Baptism
- No Matter What Stay In The Fire
- Quick Fixes
- Shovel It over Your Shoulder
- Stewardship Part One: Time
- The Jeremy Foster Show
- The Name of God Revealed
- The necessity and Importance of the Holy Spirit
- VIDEO: A must see! Jason Sisco preaching "No Limits"
- What the Bible says about sin, the flesh and our Carnal Nature
Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests
- Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
- Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
- Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
- Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
- The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit
Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:
Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.
A Prayer for Canada:
This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
A Prayer for Canada:
This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!