Monday, November 30, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 21

Well, it is another great morning here on the great Island of Newfoundland. (At least in our part anyway!) The wind is blowing a small gale, the clouds are rolling in, and one can feel a little chill in the air again. The mild weather may soon be gone, but God is Good All the Time!

November 30, 2009
Psalm 21

This is a great chapter for leadership. People in positions of charge, command or oversight need to know that they can have God on their side. Sometimes as leaders we feel all alone, and we don't have anyone around that we can lean on. When we put our trust in Jesus his salvation, love and guidance are always there! He is here to hear our prayer, petitions and supplications. He is here to protect, save and keep us.

Leaders learn to rejoice in the strength of Jesus that is in you through the Holy Spirit. (If you do not have the Holy Spirit with in you read Acts 2 and find a preacher who preaches full truth to guide you in preparation of the heart to receive it.) Leaders learn to rejoice in the Salvation that Jesus brings every single day!

Jesus will find out your enemies before they strike. Jesus will destroy their plans before they have a chance to destroy you. Jesus will make sure you have the tools you need to lead effectively. Our part is to lift Him up. Our honor is to Exalt Jesus openly! Our glory is to give Jesus all the glory. So, swallow your pride and give Jesus some praise. Trust me it will be well worth it!

Have a blessed day!

Pastor Fred

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 20

Good Morning! It is another fine Sunday Morning. A bit damp and duckish, but all the same its nice! May you be blessed in you encounter with Jesus today!

November 29, 2009
Psalm 20

There seems to be an underlying theme in Chapter 20. One that surfaces a number of times. This theme is: "The Name of God".

The Name of God is our Defense....
The Name of God is our Salvation...
The Name of God is our Strength...

I personally have used the Name of God, which is JESUS on a number of occasions, and have seen that it truly is my defense, salvation, and strength. Why? Because when you use the Name you are invoking the one who owns the name!

A crazy dog attacked - "In Jesus Name Leave!" and the dog whimpered away!
In a vehicle, and loosing control - "JESUS" and we gain control, and continue on our way!

Many applications can be found for using the NAME of our God, which is JESUS!

We pray in Jesus Name.
We Repent in Jesus Name.
We Baptize in Jesus Name.
We receive the Holy Spirit of Jesus in Jesus Name.
We bless our daily food in Jesus Name.

As another scripture states: Whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus!

So as you get ready for day, do be afraid to us the Name of Jesus as your defense, salvation and/or strength!

Yours for the NAME
Pastor Fred

Friday, November 27, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 19

Good Morning!It is warm, misty, foggy and it doesn't feel like November 27th! I am sure we will soon get a very large amount of snow without much warning, but thank God for the Hiatus in the mean time.

November 27, 2009
Psalm 19

Here we have another lengthy song, and there is much on
e can learn and glean from this Chapter. Let us look at just a couple.

1. The Heavens Declare the Glory of God! I am always
filled with wonder and awe when I take a
stroll through the country, forest or marsh lands it is always so dependent, perfect and serene. Then on a clear night when I look up into a star filled sky and I begin to find the constellations and see an arm of our Milky Way it almost takes my bre
ath away at the Glory of God! If you ever feel alone and forgotten just take a walk in a wood or take a look up into the clear night sky and you will know the God Loves you!

2. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O
Lord my strength and my redeemer! If we can learn to keep our minds on Jesus. If we can learn to look around, beyond or even through our troubles just to get a glimpse of the Saviour; o how different our days would be! Keeping your mind stayed on Jesus will help you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will be a different person.

Finally, notice that these happen to be the first and last verses of this chapter. Let you day begin and end with Jesus! Let your day continue with Jesus! Let the great God of the universe be by your side all the day through. Once you begin to do this you will soon recognize Him in many things throughout your daily life!

For a life with Jesus
Pastor Fred

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 18

Good Morning!

November 26, 2009
Psalm 18

This chapter is filled with visions of salvation. The need for salvation arises because we have so many ups and downs in our lives, and we have a great need for stability. David, a man of war, finds himself in many difficult situations that he can't find a way out of. Rather than give up he always turns to his true source of strength and victory - God!

Too often we constantly rely on ourselves, and never give God the chance to save us! We are so self reliant, proud and independent that we will not accept assistance from anyone or anywhere.

Jesus is a God who cares about you, your live, your situations and your problems. He is as close as the mention of His name! Don't ever be afraid to call on Him for help, or on any one of His true followers! No one is ever completely independent from everyone else!

David a man of great military expertise and experience need help quite often, and he always called on God. As note in our chapter today, David made reference to the fact that God gave him strength to jump over a wall, and when completely surrounded he found the strength to run through a whole troupe or battalion of soldiers!

Jesus - The Horn of Our Salvation - is never far away! Stay faithful, true, righteous, upright and merciful and you will find the He is very willing to defend you. However, if you tend to be a bit on the froward, selfish, not God fearing, unteachable side of things then you may find that God is a bit more like the awesome, terrible descriptions that can be found.

Call on Jesus He's right there!

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion -- Psalm 17

Good Morning Again! God is good All the Time!

November 25, 2009
Psalm 17

There is a lot of thoughts, truth and lessons that could be drawn from this prayer of David, however, one particular phrase caught my attention. This phrase really will keep us from much pain, trouble and sorrow in our lives; because we are our own worst enemy!


Wow! What a life lesson! What a goal! What a lifestyle!

If we could just purpose in our minds, and live our lives with this goal in our minds everyday I wonder what would happen? It would literally change our lives, actions and situations. A vast majority of the court cases in our countries that deal with people suing each other would be resolved outside of court simply because our mouth gets us in trouble. Rather than being wise and quiet we like being a fool and noisy! Proverbs shows us that even a fool is considered wise when he keeps his mouth shut!

I challenge you today to purpose in your heart and mind that you will not transgress God, others or yourself with your mouth. If you can't find something constructive to say - zip it! Use your voice to build not destroy. Use your voice for Worship and praise instead of hate and disrespect.
Let everyone know without saying a word that you Love God and respect others!

Yours for a new purpose
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

Good Morning!

November 24, 2009
Psalm 16

One of the main things that caught my attention this morning was the title: Michtam of David.

This term seems to be a musical style or description that is only found in a handful of Psalms. On top of that this Psalm is also a prophecy about Jesus Christ the Messiah. How interesting that David chose a specific type of music to sing about the Messiah!

When we worship our Lord and Saviour not just any music will do! We need to find Spirit filled, worship enhancing, prayerful music that will lead us to the anointed throne of God!

Don't get me wrong there is a lot of great Christian music , but not all of it is worth connecting to God with. When I am trying to connect to Jesus there is some music I will not listen to, on the other hand there is some great anointed music out there that will take you by the hand and walk you right up the the throne of God!

Let the chief song writer, David, teach us a lesson in music that leads to worship!

Yours for a Blessed Worship Experience today,

Pastor Fred

Monday, November 23, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

Good Morning on this crisp slightly snowy November morning!

Before we get into this chapter, I'd like to note that Psalms is a very pertinent book to any generation, as it is a series of God inspired poetry. Poetry always comes from the heart, and explains the emotions of humanity in a musical understandable manner. When reading the Psalms try to connect with the writers spirit. The experience will be much more meaningful to you.

November 23, 2009
Psalm 15

The Question is raised, "Who will live in the presence of God, and enjoy the benefits of His Kingdom?"

The Answer is given: Those who -
  • Walk Uprightly
  • Work Righteousness
  • Speak the Truth / Live the Truth
  • Contemn the Vile Person
  • Honor those who fear God
  • Doesn't Put out His money to usery (takes interest for profit)
  • Doesn't take a bribe against the innocent
  • Doesn't Backbight (gossip / Degrade others reputation)
  • Doesn't Do Evil to his neighbor
  • Doesn't reproach His Neighbor
  • Swears to their own hurt
  • Doesn't Change in spite of Adversity
The Person who follows these ideals shall never be moved!

If we ever have trouble doing these things we need to get a hold of Jesus and pray through until we get the victory over our problems!

Yours for living in the Presence of God
Pastor Fred

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

Good Morning on this wonderful snowy November Morning!

November 22, 2009
Psalm 14

Here we find the famous quote, 'The Fool has said in his heart, "There is No God."' From this statement this poem seems to look into the lifestyle of those who deny the existence of God. They tend to be wicked, immoral, careless, and don't care much about the well being of others.
God forbid that we become so self absorbed that we no longer think about the God of creation and salvation. Oh, that we would rejoice and be glad, for He has taken us out of darkness and captivity and brought us into His marvelous light! May this truth give us reason to share the love of God to all who are around us. Especially those who are in need!

Yours for Jesus
Pastor Fred

Friday, November 20, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

Good Morning! What a fine crisp, on its way to being a bright, clear morning!God is good all the time!

November 20, 2009
Psalm 13

Many times we have bad days, and our thoughts are quite depressing. We feel that the whole world is against us, and they owe us for some unknown reason.

Yet, there is hope! A light at the end of the proverbial tunnel! If we trust in Jesus our Saviour, we can rejoice! We can burst forth in song, because our God is good all the time, and he had dealt bountifully with us!

Have a blessed day!
Pastor Fred

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

Good Morning!
November 19, 2009
Psalm 12

Sometimes it may seem that this evil world is on the winning side, but Jesus our Lord will
rescue, and
deliver us if we will stay faithful no matter the cost.

We may feel alone, but our God always has a "faithful few" and we can rest assured that He takes care of His own!

Contend for the faith, and don't let this wicked world turn you away from Jesus and His love!

Have a blessed day!

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daily Bible Reading & Devotion

(Good Morning. Here is something new I'm going to try and make a habit from now until the new year. So, that in the new year I can bring this into full swing. Below is a Chapter I've read this morning and some thoughts that came to mind about it. Grab your Bible or go to to read along!)

November 18, 2009
Daily Reading & Thought
Psalm 11

1) It is of utmost importance that we put our trust in God, and serve Him in Righteousness. For, without His love and guidance where would we be?

2) the wicked and unrighteous are on God's watch list! He will deal with them in His time, and will avenge all the wickedness they have done to the righteous!

We must trust in the Lord and shun the wicked, for the Lord's face shines on the upright!

Have a great day!
Hope this blesses you.
We'll see you tomorrow - Lord willing!

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rebuke the Distraction!

Greetings in Jesus' Name!

It's been awhile, and much has happened since our last conversation. I feel very strongly that I have a word from God for someone.

I was just reading Psalm 5 as part of my daily Bible reading. As my habit has become I write notes on every chapter I read. Helps me remember what I read, and what message the Lord gave me as I read a particular chapter.

Tonight as I read a very strong impression of overcoming distraction was placed upon me. For, me this is a definite word, and I will claim it, receive it and live it in Jesus' Name!

However, I was directed to write this little note to help someone. Your life has been busy. Your job is overtaking you. You haven't had time to talk to Jesus. You feel like you are overcome by your present circumstance!

Rebuke your distraction in Jesus' Name! Find you prayer closet. Get to the prayer room at the House of God. Lock yourself in your room. Name you distractions, and rebuke them in Jesus' Name! Read Psalm 5, and put your trust in Jesus! Remember you love for the Name of God-Jesus! Remember that there is nothing as important as living in the righteousness of God, and get the victory over you circumstance! You may feel defeated, but Jesus is on your side! The enemy may be scheming against you, but his plans will fall to pieces! Trust, Live and Love Jesus again! You will find that your God will lead you through!

Rebuke the Distraction, Put your trust in Jesus and leave the rest up to God!

Yours for freedom,
Pastor Fred

Something to Laugh About!

Pastor Fred Online: Sermons & Puppets

Our Prayer Family: A List of Prayer Requests

  • Newfoundland & Labrador! That a wave of God's Spirit would flood this great province!
  • Your Neighbors, that Jesus would save their souls!
  • Springdale, Newfoundland: Pray that God's Spirit would awaken souls to their need of salvation and continued spiritual growth. Also, pray that Pastor Fred can teach many Home Bible Studies.
  • Pastor Fred and his family: Pray for Health, Strength, Inspiration, Revival and that God will lead him to many hungry souls
  • The Country You Live in: Pray for Salvation, Revival, Missionaries and the Moving of God's Spirit

Weekly Prayer for A Country on my counter:

Please pray with me for the country that is in focus each week. Thank You and may God richly bless your prayer life.


A Prayer for Canada:

This week Lord Jesus we bring the country of Canada. Let the revival of your Word and Name sweep across this vast dominion. Let all ethnic groups that now call this great land home become hungry for something more, and find YOU! Let the Church arise to become the bastion of Truth that it is meant to be. Let you people become the light and power that spreads your Gospel throughout all this land!
We ask this all in the Name of Jesus Christ -- Amen!